Rooster eye half open half closed Help!

Mar 19, 2024
I think my rooster was fighting and while they were fighting my other rooster pecked it in the eye now the roosters eye is half closed and half open I can see the eye but not fully. Please help what can I put?
Put some plain neosporin on the eye. No medications at all in this cream. Try not to get it into the actual eye but on the eye lid. It’s fine if he blinks some in. Also I haven’t done this personally but I think saline wash is good too. I’ve only used the neosporine
Put some plain neosporin on the eye. No medications at all in this cream. Try not to get it into the actual eye but on the eye lid. It’s fine if he blinks some in. Also I haven’t done this personally but I think saline wash is good too. I’ve only used the neosporin
I will try that out thank you.

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