Rooster has loose mucus poops with barking/ sneezing on occasion.


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2023
Eastern North Carolina
We went camping and had neighbors tend to our chickens with water and feed. They were let out at 8:30 am to free range until dark daily. I noticed this morning, first day back, my rooster is making a bark/ sneeze noise on occasion and has this stringy looking loose poop. The 3 pictures attached are from this morning. I'm reading about IBD, is there anything I can do at home to fix this? He's acting normal, eating alot today, is a Barred Rock, 4.5 months old. The other 4 chickens, black Astrolorps are acting normal and I haven't noticed this loose poop or bark from them. I only have 5 birds total and I'll take him to the vet if that's necessary. Please help! Advice??


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The droppings could be due to hot weather and him drinking more water. You could worm him, or get some droppings checked by your vet. How often is he sneezing? Occasional sneezing can be normal if he has feed or dust in his nostrils. If he is sneezing all day long every few minutes and sounds congested, then he might be showing signs of a respiratory disease. My chickens had IB virus once, and it spread rapidly through the whole flock. They sneezed every few minutes, but they behaved mostly normal for the month it took to get better. Wrinkled egg shells are sometimes seen in IB.
What's his diet? Has he ever been wormed?
He's on Nutrena pellets for layers with the girls and I give them all dehydrated soldier fly larvae as treats sometimes. They eat bugs and grass...I haven't fed them any scraps. The hatchery we got them from says they are vaccinated but I haven't wormed them. I just noticed that the hens are sneezing now.
The droppings could be due to hot weather and him drinking more water. You could worm him, or get some droppings checked by your vet. How often is he sneezing? Occasional sneezing can be normal if he has feed or dust in his nostrils. If he is sneezing all day long every few minutes and sounds congested, then he might be showing signs of a respiratory disease. My chickens had IB virus once, and it spread rapidly through the whole flock. They sneezed every few minutes, but they behaved mostly normal for the month it took to get better. Wrinkled egg shells are sometimes seen in IB.
What did you do to help them get better? I just went out to give them ice water and the hens keep sneezing now.
Cold water is good, ice water, not. I just keep it in the shade, and change it a couple of times a day. There is no treatment for viruses. If you notice one especially sick, they might be getting a secondary infection, such as air sacculitis. Then an antibiotic such as Tylan or Tylosin in the water 1 tsp for 3-5 days, might help. It also treats MG, which can sometimes look similar. But my chickens all recovered with no medication.

Could your friend have brought something from their chickens? Many things in the environment can cause sneezing.
Cold water is good, ice water, not. I just keep it in the shade, and change it a couple of times a day. There is no treatment for viruses. If you notice one especially sick, they might be getting a secondary infection, such as air sacculitis. Then an antibiotic such as Tylan or Tylosin in the water 1 tsp for 3-5 days, might help. It also treats MG, which can sometimes look similar. But my chickens all recovered with no medication.

Could your friend have brought something from their chickens? Many things in the environment can cause sneezing.
My friend doesn't have chickens... just dogs and hamsters. I may just take him to the avian vet.

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