Rooster hierarchy drama


9 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
A little background on the flock....
I have a total of 4 roosters, and about 115++ laying hens that are housed in a 20x30 coop at night only. They free range from sun up to dusk. (Auto chicken door that has a photo sensor)
Out of the 4 roosters 1 of them has been alpha for his entire life(5-6 years).
The other 3 are between 1 1/2 -3 years old.
4 days ago I came back from the grocery store to find our alpha rooster just sitting in the middle of the field with his head down, and I knew sthat mething wasn’t quite right then and there.
He is a CCL that we call ‘One eyed Willie’. He is blind in one eye, and has been like that for about 4 years. It has never been an issue with him, he is a pretty good rooster.
So back to the story...
I walk over to him to make sure he is alright, and I find his comb all bloody, and he is s .org of in a daze.
Obviously another rooster decided to challenge him and was successful.
I realize this is the way of the animal world, however Willie won’t even go into the coop at night anymore, and I don’t blame him Every time he gets within 30 feet of the other roosters, they beat the crap out of him. They got pretty smart and always come at him from his blind side, sneaky brats!
He has been roosting in the horse barn, and it’s fine for now, however it’s not predator proof and this has me concerned for his safety.
I can always make him a little area inside the coop protected from the other roosters, however I can’t do this on a permanent basis.
Has anyone had success with something like this?
Do I just need to be patient, and they will work it out and he will be allowed inside the coop one day, or is this usually how things stay?
Thanks for any input...
A little background on the flock....
I have a total of 4 roosters, and about 115++ laying hens that are housed in a 20x30 coop at night only. They free range from sun up to dusk. (Auto chicken door that has a photo sensor)
Out of the 4 roosters 1 of them has been alpha for his entire life(5-6 years).
The other 3 are between 1 1/2 -3 years old.
4 days ago I came back from the grocery store to find our alpha rooster just sitting in the middle of the field with his head down, and I knew sthat mething wasn’t quite right then and there.
He is a CCL that we call ‘One eyed Willie’. He is blind in one eye, and has been like that for about 4 years. It has never been an issue with him, he is a pretty good rooster.
So back to the story...
I walk over to him to make sure he is alright, and I find his comb all bloody, and he is s .org of in a daze.
Obviously another rooster decided to challenge him and was successful.
I realize this is the way of the animal world, however Willie won’t even go into the coop at night anymore, and I don’t blame him Every time he gets within 30 feet of the other roosters, they beat the crap out of him. They got pretty smart and always come at him from his blind side, sneaky brats!
He has been roosting in the horse barn, and it’s fine for now, however it’s not predator proof and this has me concerned for his safety.
I can always make him a little area inside the coop protected from the other roosters, however I can’t do this on a permanent basis.
Has anyone had success with something like this?
Do I just need to be patient, and they will work it out and he will be allowed inside the coop one day, or is this usually how things stay?
Thanks for any input...
Just going through something very similar yet again.:rolleyes:
My keeping arrangements are much like yours; free range from an hour after sun up to dusk. 6 roosters here spread over three tribes. Nothing like the amount of hens you have though.
Cillin and Treacle belong to Tribe 1. Cillin is the father of Treacle and Mel is the mother. Cillin was very hard on Treacle imo and eventually Treacle fought back. They fought on and off for about six months but Cillin being more experienced made Treacle back down. It wasn't fun to watch but after the fights had finished Cillin did allow Treacle into the tribes coop to roost at night.
Cillin broke off one of his spurs, probably in a fight and later developed bumble foot. At some point Cillin and Treacle fought and Cillin lost. Treacle wont allow Cillin back into the tribes coop and Cillin has got no interest in fighting with Treacle currently.
Cillin moved in with me partly while I treated his bumble foot and partly because he didn't have anywhere else to go at night and I didn't want him up a tree overnight.
I hoped that they would resolve their issues. Treacle now has seven hens which he can't keep together or provide escort for when they go to lay their eggs. Cillin gets to mate with those hens that Treacle can't keep an eye on because he is busy elsewhere.
Mel, Treacle's mother is not interested in mating with her son and prefers Cillin. One other hen called Tackle seems to feel the same.

In thhe past when something like this has happened, I've built another coop for the defeated male and they've attracted the junior hens that the winning rooster isn't overly bothered about. Roosters tend to put their energies into their favourites.
There is some information about how this all works in this article. It's worth reading.

I have recently adapted a coop for Cillin. Much as I love having him in the house, he needs his own space; somewhere to invite a hen or two back to.:)
Here's the coop and that's Mel the mother of Treacle showing interest in moving in with Cillin.
The coop is small and simple but it will do for Cillin and a couple of hens at a push. The coop behind is the main tribe coop.

This is Cillin's roost spot in my house.

This is Cillin with Mel. Mel hasn't roosted overnight with Cillin yet. He's only spent two nights in his new home so far.

This is Treacle, Cillin's son who won't let Cillin back home.

So, ime, if you can build a small coop for One Eyed Willie, he will avoid the others and go about trying to win back his favourite hens. Once a defeated rooster has won a couple of hens their confidence returns and the pack chasing of the defeated rooster seems to stop. It has here is the three cases I can recall anyway. The defeated rooster just needs to show he is prepared to defend his hens to the other roosters and it rarely amounts to much more than a show.
Hope this helps.
Tell One Eyed Willie from me that it isn't the end of the world and with your help and some patience he'll be fine.
He’s been usurped by the younger Roos... and with him not getting any younger I doubt they’ll work it out. This is how it works with my Roos, the younger generations will eventually challenge the old and win.
Yes, I expected this at some point. I didn’t expect them to not allow him anywhere near the group though.
Just going through something very similar yet again.:rolleyes:
My keeping arrangements are much like yours; free range from an hour after sun up to dusk. 6 roosters here spread over three tribes. Nothing like the amount of hens you have though.
Cillin and Treacle belong to Tribe 1. Cillin is the father of Treacle and Mel is the mother. Cillin was very hard on Treacle imo and eventually Treacle fought back. They fought on and off for about six months but Cillin being more experienced made Treacle back down. It wasn't fun to watch but after the fights had finished Cillin did allow Treacle into the tribes coop to roost at night.
Cillin broke off one of his spurs, probably in a fight and later developed bumble foot. At some point Cillin and Treacle fought and Cillin lost. Treacle wont allow Cillin back into the tribes coop and Cillin has got no interest in fighting with Treacle currently.
Cillin moved in with me partly while I treated his bumble foot and partly because he didn't have anywhere else to go at night and I didn't want him up a tree overnight.
I hoped that they would resolve their issues. Treacle now has seven hens which he can't keep together or provide escort for when they go to lay their eggs. Cillin gets to mate with those hens that Treacle can't keep an eye on because he is busy elsewhere.
Mel, Treacle's mother is not interested in mating with her son and prefers Cillin. One other hen called Tackle seems to feel the same.

In thhe past when something like this has happened, I've built another coop for the defeated male and they've attracted the junior hens that the winning rooster isn't overly bothered about. Roosters tend to put their energies into their favourites.
There is some information about how this all works in this article. It's worth reading.

I have recently adapted a coop for Cillin. Much as I love having him in the house, he needs his own space; somewhere to invite a hen or two back to.:)
Here's the coop and that's Mel the mother of Treacle showing interest in moving in with Cillin.
The coop is small and simple but it will do for Cillin and a couple of hens at a push. The coop behind is the main tribe coop.
View attachment 2604858
This is Cillin's roost spot in my house.
View attachment 2604867

This is Cillin with Mel. Mel hasn't roosted overnight with Cillin yet. He's only spent two nights in his new home so far.
View attachment 2604866
This is Treacle, Cillin's son who won't let Cillin back home.
View attachment 2604865

So, ime, if you can build a small coop for One Eyed Willie, he will avoid the others and go about trying to win back his favourite hens. Once a defeated rooster has won a couple of hens their confidence returns and the pack chasing of the defeated rooster seems to stop. It has here is the three cases I can recall anyway. The defeated rooster just needs to show he is prepared to defend his hens to the other roosters and it rarely amounts to much more than a show.
Hope this helps.
Tell One Eyed Willie from me that it isn't the end of the world and with your help and some patience he'll be fine.
Thanks so much!
That is some great info and gives me some hope for ole One eyed Willie!!
He has been with us since we hatched him long ago, and I won’t just discard him.
It look like your coop for cilliin is very close to the other coop.
I am assuming that cillin no longer free ranges?

Thanks so much!
That is some great info and gives me some hope for ole One eyed Willie!!
He has been with us since we hatched him long ago, and I won’t just discard him.
It look like your coop for cilliin is very close to the other coop.
I am assuming that cillin no longer free ranges?
It is very close to the main tribe coop. Cillin waits for the rest of the tribe to go to roost before he does.
Cillin still free ranges. I won't keep contained birds. There is enough room for Cillin to get away and keep away from Treacle.
Here is Cillin with Hurry, one of the hens from Tribe 1. Treacle is busy elsewhere.

Here are most of Tribe 1. Treacle is the rooster in the picture. Cillin is up by the hay rack covered in the green tarpaulin.

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