Ugh. I have a roo who has regularly started crowing from 11p to 1a EVERY night. I can't figure out what is setting him off.
I agree with the full moon assessment. Mine will go off because they have a large south facing window and the moon shines right in. Sometimes its almost like morning and I can see clearly as though it were 6am.
Our neighbors have 6+ roosters that crow all day long and all through the night. I don't mind, but I have heard some of the other neighbors grumbling...
One rooster starts at around 1AM every night and crows until around 6AM. He's very distinctive, since his crow is "Shave and a haircut"!
Roosters crow in response to outside stimuli. Unfortunately the rotation of the Earth or the movement of the stars is an outside stimuli.
He is almost surely answering something like a noise, or a sound, that his chicken ears hears but our ears may not. At night sound carries and there may be no way to figure out what sound (if any) it is that sets him off.
We just started our flock last week. Jean-Roo has been punctual at 5:58 for the last week until yesterday. He began crowing about 5 and did so again today. I know it's a full moon right now so I wondered if that had anything to do with it. I much prefer his call to an alarm clock. LOVE having the chickens around.
MUSIC, I have put a radio out in the coop and now they don't crow. LOL. The noise distracts the raccoons and the music relaxes the roosters and they are quiet. LOL

When you have several roosters, like I do, and that ONE start ups boy oh boy is the competition ON. Nothing like hearing Roosters crow in 7 different coops. LOL.

So the Music seems to help.. Mine seem to like Bruno Mars, Pink, Fun. ETC. LOL.

Try it let me know what kind of music your Roosters like. LOL
Mine crows at daybreak, which is an indicator that I have about another hour of sleep ahead of me. I don't mind that. He also crows off and on during the day, but then so does the rooster next door. Sometimes they appear to crow back and forth with one another. The rooster next door used to be mine, so perhaps they are chatting it up.
My theory is that roosters instintively crow when it starts to get light. And up until just over 100 years ago, it was DARK at night. No street lights, no city lights, no electric lights in houses. DARK. These days it isn't anywhere near that level of dark in most places, so they see the light, think it is almost dawn and start to crow.
I have a friend that plays Classical music for her hens. She says they all lay regularly with it. I think that it is so funny to hear her talk about it. BUT I can't fault her logic. All her hens lay every day. She gives them the winter off & stores her eggs. I like the idea of music to keep the raccoons away. I haven't had any predator attempts, yet and pray I don't. I have dogs that alert me to outside noises so I do go out frequently to walk them at night.

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