Rooster or hen buff Orpington?


Jun 2, 2023
Hi! We purchased what we thought was a sexed Isbar, but it turns out to be a buff Orpington. We were really hoping it was a hen, but it started crowing the other day. We’ve heard it crow maybe 2-3 times. It has no spurs, but has a pretty large comb. No spurs either…we don’t have another rooster and this buff Orpington is definitely the alpha of the flock, but also the most friendly to us. Any help in identification would be appreciated as we aren’t allowed to have roosters. Oh and the chicken is 12 weeks old.


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Hi! We purchased what we thought was a sexed Isbar, but it turns out to be a buff Orpington. We were really hoping it was a hen, but it started crowing the other day. We’ve heard it crow maybe 2-3 times. It has no spurs, but has a pretty large comb. No spurs either…we don’t have another rooster and this buff Orpington is definitely the alpha of the flock, but also the most friendly to us. Any help in identification would be appreciated as we aren’t allowed to have roosters. Oh and the chicken is 12 weeks old.
Please can you keep him? he's so beautiful
Beautiful bird! We love our Buff Orp rooster too, and he's a sweetie to us and to the girls in the flock. Buffs are a great breed, very friendly and good dual purpose birds with GREAT laying capacity, so he's a great breed to have as a rooster if you're looking to have some chicks in the future. Plus, having a rooster in the flock is actually great for flock dynamics. Our hens always get along better and give each other fewer injuries and have fewer squabbles when there's a rooster in the mix.

Here's a pic of our 20 week old buff orpington rooster. tempImagehKYbhk.png

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