Rooster over mating my One hen??


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
U.P. of Michigan
Help I have a RIR or Red sex link (not sure) he is big and Red with a greenish tail... Anyway I have him and 4 hens they are all 1 year old... I have 6 more Babies that are close to going in the coop as well. My Rooster will stalk out and find one hen and mate all day with her. She is separated because of the cuts she has gotten from him. (this is the second time she has had them) I have him separated now. I don't know what to do ?? He is a very good rooster with people most of the time and with his hens. Do I need to rehome him or will he calm down from the separation. She doesn't want anything to do with him and takes off and hides. I am not letting him out again until she is all healed. Very Frustrate
I had one rooster that was a stalker. He free ranged with three other roosters and around 20 hens and he was the top rooster. He stalked two buff orps and made their lives miserable. They were reduced to hiding under the porch and he'd just sit on top of it and wait for them to come out. He'd go under there and try to mate them even though there wasn't enough space for him to mount. He'd try to drag them out from under the porch. One would venture out, he'd jump on her and the other one would take off running. He'd just go back and forth between them and they looked awful. He had lots of other hens to choose from but rarely mated them.

He tasted like chicken.
Would I be correct in assuming he is a fairly young rooster. If so he will usually settle down with age, if this rooster is over a year old, I don't know what to recommend. Hopefully with an addition of a few more girls he will become a little more overwhelmed.

Good Luck
Help I have a RIR or Red sex link (not sure) he is big and Red with a greenish tail... Anyway I have him and 4 hens they are all 1 year old... I have 6 more Babies that are close to going in the coop as well. My Rooster will stalk out and find one hen and mate all day with her. She is separated because of the cuts she has gotten from him. (this is the second time she has had them) I have him separated now. I don't know what to do ?? He is a very good rooster with people most of the time and with his hens. Do I need to rehome him or will he calm down from the separation. She doesn't want anything to do with him and takes off and hides. I am not letting him out again until she is all healed. Very Frustrate
I have the same issue. Roo is 3 years old, 5 hens but he's focused on one in particular. She runs, trying to hide from him, even hasn't come home a few nights to avoid him. She picks on the younger group of hens so I can't separate her any further. It's pathetic. Am tempted to make Roo into stew! He's attacked me a few times too. Last time I grabbed a stick and kept him at bay with it. He's thinking twice now before he attacks me. Occasionally, I hear his feet hitting the ground behind me and turn around and threaten him. He walks away like he hadn't planned a thing! He's a bad gremlin!
Yes he turned 1 in April. My avatar is him last July ... I really don't want to Kill him :( I will rehome if I have to.... We have our Chickens strictly for Egg purposes.. Thanks for the info I hope he gets better..
Yes he is a mix really pretty though... We were told Isa brown. But his tail feathers are all Green and a huge comb and waddle. I don't have breeding goals we just wanted hens and we got him in the bunch.. Now that we have had for a year and raised him we hate to just ship him off. And thanks to everyone for the help :)
We have two roosters and they generally fight with eachother. One of them mates ALL THE TIME! It is really hard to miss! It even got to the point where i had to rotate the hens in his pen so that they didn't get to hurt!

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