Rooster pictures and their pecking order


7 Years
Aug 13, 2012

This is my big White, first rooster in the family, currently the 2nd one in command. I got him from our local slaughter house when he was an adolescent. He lost the back end of his comb to another adult rooster, who died later in an accident.

This is my Rock, leader of the pack. His crowing can be heard a mile away. He joined the family after the death of the other rooster, and he didn't have to fight the big White very much to establish his dominance.

Americana, the Challenger. He and other 4 roosters recently joined the family. He challenged the Rock and inflicted some damage on Rock's face as they both bled a lot after the fight. Apparently he lost and he didn't even challenge the big White, just giving up and being submissive.

Younger brother of the Challenger. And the entire flock.
Yes I know there are too many roosters. Someone was giving up their roosters so I just took them in. I might need to eliminate some of them and keep only 1 or 2 best ones.

I had 8 hens but lost 7 of them to Marek's disease. This year I ordered 25 pullets all with vaccination. I will get them in a few weeks. In few months there will be enough hens for every rooster.

This is Zien my buff brahma rooster. He is the only rooster that i have right now, ive had other roosters but not at the time thast ive had him. So i guess he is my head guy.

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