Rooster with bum leg


9 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Huntsville, AR
One of my roosters just started limping and his leg is swollen where the leg and foot join. Otherwise he seems fine. He's unable to put his full weight on the foot when getting around. Any idea what might be wrong with him? He's a Plymouth Rock and 7 months old.
It sounds like a possible sprain. Is there any swelling in the other ankle? Pictures can be helpful. Examine his footpad to make sure there is no bumblefoot scab. If his foot is sprained, limiting his activity in a pen or crate with food and water for a few day or a couple of weeks might help. It is best to keep him in view of his flock if possible.
Thanks for the loading link. I had tried before but failed. That made it easier.

I don't see any type of scab or anything on the bottom of his foot. It's just a swollen area and lump where his toes join his foot. I can't see any cuts or anything either. I have an auto door for the chickens and there's a platform about 14' high outside the coop they have to jump off to reach ground. Do you think it might be too high and he did some damage doing that? He's a big bird.
It looks sprained or possibly broken. Fouteen inches isn’t that high, but he might have hurt it jumping off the roost. I would try not to let him jump while it is healing. You could possibly place him on the roost and take him down , so he doen’t jump. Or place him in a dog crate before he roosts, and let him out in the AM.
My Light Brahma roo is doing something similar. He paws at the air with his left leg and has been limping/hopping. I treated him for scaly leg mites yesterday but not a ton of improvement today. no issues on food pads just swollen. Attaching photos. Any help would be appreciated.

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