Rooster with Mucus-like stuff in his mouth


Free Ranging
Nov 12, 2018
My little silkie rooster hasn't been doing well. He has had what I call "Bubbly eye" for the past couple days. He's been limping for about the same amount of time. Today he can barely stand and is having a hard time breathing. I was giving him some Terramycin for his eye when I noticed this clear mucus-like stuff in his mouth.

I can't take him to the vet because there aren't any vets that treat chickens in my area. There is a TSC, and I could get stuff from there if I need to. I'm going to go get some pictures and will post them on here ASAP.

Please help. I don't want to lose him because I got him for my birthday a couple of years ago.

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He had more mucus-like stuff in his beak ten minutes ago, but it seems to have cleared out because he drank some water.
He is a cutie. He may have a respiratory infection called mycoplasma (MG.) Can you try and find Tylan 50 at your feed store and some 3 ml syringes and needles? You can give it orally if you remove the needle after drawing it up. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound given 3 times a day for 5 days.

If you have a vet they may be able to give you something to put in the water. If you are old enough to order something online, you can order Tylan powder for the water here:
Dosage is 1 teaspoonful per gallon of water, or 1/4 tsp per quart for 5 days. He may have to be helped to take plenty of water.
His toes are not curling. If they were I would be leaning more towards a vitamin deficiency.
Thanks @Eggcessive I will check that out.

Until I get the Tylan powder, do you think I should put VetRx, or electrolytes in his water? Also, if I put the Tylan powder in his water, will my other chickens be able to drink it? Or is this a quarantine type thing?
You can give electrolytes safely. Vet rx is a mixture of herbal oils with camphor—it doesn’t do much other than what Vicks would do, but it is safe to use. It is not necessary to separate her since they have all already been exposed to it. I prefer to keep my chickens together, since I had a problem recently bringing a hen who had been sick beack into the flock.

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