Roosters are awesome



Mar 24, 2024
Hi, I live in the country and about a 1/2-1 mile away from a neighbor who apparently has a rooster. I’ve heard him crow everyday for weeks. (I love a roosters crow so fine by me). Anyway, I put my RSL pullets outside full time about 5-6 days ago. And they loved the coop but were scared to go into the run. They’d only come out if I was out there with them until..they heard the rooster crow. At first I thought it was a coincidence but everyday only when the rooster starts crowing will they go into the run without me. This morning we raised the coop door, and walked back onto the porch. The girls stayed in the coop, my hubby says I’ll go lure them out. I said just wait. About 6:15 or so Rooster starts crowing out my girls came. It is the coolest thing. I’ve got a baby roo atm he’s only 4-5 weeks but I’m hoping my girls listen to him as well as the rando rooster down the road lol.
Roosters are my favorites. They are the gentlemen of gentlemen. They lead, they keep order in the flock, they warn the girls of threats, they protect with their life, and they don't eat food first - they give it to their hens and only eat if there is anything left. I make sure my three roosters get special treatments and time to show them how much I appreciate them.
Roosters are my favorites. They are the gentlemen of gentlemen. They lead, they keep order in the flock, they warn the girls of threats, they protect with their life, and they don't eat food first - they give it to their hens and only eat if there is anything left. i make sure my three roosters get special treatments and time to show them how much I appreciate them.
See that’s what’s I’ve been saying! I love roosters. But everywhere I look online there’s so much rooster hate:( I know some can be “less than gentlemanly” but in general they’re just awesome!
In my opinion the egg song is way more annoying then crowing. 🙂
My oldest girls are 7-8 weeks, so I have to wait a bit before I even know what that is.
I’ve got a murder of crows at least 16, 3 mocking bird nests going on, 2 bluejay nests, and don’t get me started on the cicadas! The way I see it, any sounds my chickens make will blend right in lol. Spring time in the country is loud. I love it.
My rooster is such a gentleman and he is beautiful. He loves to crow back and forth with a rooster one of the neighbors has. He is very protective of his ladies. Whenever I bring something big into the coop he leads the hens inside and he stays out into the run to protect them.
My rooster is sweet, I can even hold him!


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My rooster is such a gentleman and he is beautiful. He loves to crow back and forth with a rooster one of the neighbors has. He is very protective of his ladies. Whenever I bring something big into the coop he leads the hens inside and he stays out into the run to protect them.
My rooster is sweet, I can even hold him!
Ohhh he is beautiful! What breed? How old? What’s his name?

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