Roosters challenging/changing dominance?


12 Years
May 3, 2007
New Mexico
I have two roosters, just over one year old and raised together. Simon, the black australorp has always been dominant, chasing Noah, the EE. Until today! Noah is larger, and for some reason he decided today was the day to try for dominance. They were free ranging, and started fighting. I did not break it up as they did not seem to be doing any real damage to each other. They fought until they were both exhausted, probably at least 45 minutes, then Noah seemed to come out ahead and he chases Simon all around the place for about ten minutes. Both spent most of the rest of the day recuperating, a bit bloody and bruised around the comb, but not bad. I am not sure this afternoon who has the top spot.

Is this common? What should I expect now? Should I break them up, or keep them apart? Any insight would be appreciated, as there were no problems between them for a whole year. Also, their spurs are only about an inch long now, but what will happen when they grow?
How are they doing now?

Personally I would not let them fight for that long, but that is me - they can fight until one or both die from exhaustion.

Keep an eye on them, they might always via for the alpha spot but they may go back to living peacefully together.

If you keep them together, I would trim the spurs. They can and will puncture each other and that can create a nasty infection. I use a dremel with a cutting wheel on my guys - cauterizes as it grinds (stinky).
Unless one does some real damage to the other you may as well let them get it over with. It is a chicken's nature to establish a pecking order and this is all part of it. Either let them settle it or plan not to allow them both out at the same time.

They have gone back to the way they were before, same rooster dominant, and no more fighting. Thir spurs are not long or sharp yet, but I will keep an eye on them. Thanks!

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