Roosters in field across from our property

Aug 7, 2020
Someone let four roosters loose in the field across from our house last night. We thought they'd be gone with the weather and predators. They're still there. I managed to catch the silkie roo and we're waiting for a callback from our friend that handles silkies.

I don't know how' to trap the rest. Animal control isn't going to put chickens in high priority. The silkie looks like it's been declawed one toe on each foot. It's been long healed over or maybe didn't have them at all?? We're honestly at a loss as to what to do for the rest.
You might be able to catch them with food and a big live trap.
How big of a trap do we need?? I know they'll come for the food. The silkie was quite hungry. He's segregated in a very large crate away from our flock until we figure out if he's carrying anything and if he isn't will join our flock or the silkie breeder we know once he shows he's not carrying avian influenza. He's not a nasty fella. They are all friendly with each other and people. I just don't want to see the others get hurt. We're way out in the country and people don't always follow the speed limits or are just jerks. We can probably find homes for the others between farms around here that we know need roosters and won't dump them. 😔
I would say the one up from small coon. Depending on how big they are.

If the 32in doesn't look big enough 42in or 48in might be.
I would say the one up from small coon. Depending on how big they are.

If the 32in doesn't look big enough 42in or 48in might be.
Okay, I'll be definitely purchasing one since ours is only big enough for one at a time. Thank you for the dimensions for it The roosters were gone at 7am this morning according to our neighbor down the road so either they were taken care of by predators (I hope not) or someone caught them and took them to safety. We've got flooding where I'm at but I was willing to slog through the mud. People just randomly dump animals out here and it makes me so angry. I have a four year old Maine Coon that was dumped in the bushes on our property line at 4 weeks old. I took her into the vet as an adult for her shots and they were absolutely amazed that her growth wasn't stunted.
Yeah, people dump animals here all the time.
They're back evidently they must have found a good hiding place. I almost had the dark colored one but missed. I'm so frustrated. I wish I'd been out this afternoon to get the trap 🤦🏽‍♀️. We hadn't seen anything if them and our neighbor didn't. We spoke to her a bit ago and she's pretty sure she knows who did it but no proof so 🤷🏽‍♀️.My mother and I had gone to put out the trash and they popped out of the marshy area and crossed the road. The second picture looks like a brahma or Sussex cross. I only got his behind because he moved at the last second. The other two just look like barnyard mixes. The flooding finally subsided into the drainage ditches so I was able to get closer.


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Just putting in an update. The white rooster and the reddish rooster are awaiting pickup in the morning. I caught them freehanded. I almost had the darker one but my mother scared him off once he saw the net. That one was in our front yard. I'm going to try once again closer to dusk because we know he's hungry, he was at my feet eating food until he saw the net. They're EE mixed except the silkie. The silkie is very friendly and recuperating nicely and will be staying. No signs of bird flu and is taking well to the chicken elixir we've been giving our bantams (he has his own personal jug since we're going to quarantine him a few more days before putting him in with anyone.)

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