Rose Comb Question


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
I have a black wyandotte cockerel that has kind of a funky comb. Here is a picture of it.


See that little nodule at the back? I'm wondering if that is a serious disqualifying mark or
is it not that big of a deal? Another hen has the same thing but not as pronounced.
Thank you so much!
Hi there! Welcome to BYC!

Now, I personally would cull it, or not use it for breeding unless it was really wonderful in every other way. You could show it if you wished but the comb is not developed correctly, while it is still a rose comb. Some judges will just knock off points with others it will be a DQ. I hatched some chicks out like that and the point never did grow how it was supposed to, so they are in the "reject pen" ( the laying pen)

But he is a cute little guy!
Okay thank you! He is built pretty well if I ended up having to use him, and kept the chicks who grew out regular combs, they would still be apt to carry this mutation right? Oh and another question! Do you think his eyes are too light for a Wyandotte?
They would still carry it, although the more and more you bred them to other ones with regular combs the less and less likely it would become that you would get the odd comb. But every now and then it would crop up. His eye color looks good right now (a little on the light side of mine right now) but good, Is there any discoloration in them? I dont see any in the one.
That is a DQ. It is called an inverted or telescoped spike. DO NOT use him for breeding. Any judge that would allow that in a show is not following the standard.
Mrs. Cannon :

They would still carry it, although the more and more you bred them to other ones with regular combs the less and less likely it would become that you would get the odd comb. But every now and then it would crop up. His eye color looks good right now (a little on the light side of mine right now) but good, Is there any discoloration in them? I dont see any in the one.

I went to take a picture of on of my boys eyes for you, the last couple shows I was at the judges really loved his eyes) I was so proud lol
But there was a wasp in there and I'm deathly afraid, so when he dissapears I'll take a pic for you.​
Oh I would really appreciate that Mrs Cannon!!
And thank you WallTenters! I'll go ahead and cull the kid
There is nothing to be gained by using a bird with a disqualification as a breeder. Other positive points can't make up for the disqualifying feature.
Inverted spikes on a rose comb is particularly difficult to breed out & it will continue on for many generations regardless of the combs of the birds you breed it to.
If this were the only male I had I still wouldn't use it. I'd cull him & go looking for another male. Actually he doesn't have a very good Wyandotte head either.

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