Rosecomb Thread



9 Years
Mar 13, 2010
East Pennsylvania
This is the Official Rosecomb Thread. I did not see one so I thought I would start one. You can disscuse anything Rosecombs. I'll start.

This is my new Rosecomb Pair, there names are Huey and Rosie.



Let me know what you think.
Woohoo-Rosecombs!! Nice pair you have there. I'll get pics of mine on here later. They've really gotten to be one of my favorite breeds. Just something about those white cheeks. Oh,'s a Rosecomb thread....... Where are you girl??
That's too funny. I got my black trio from Erin as well. I've hatched a few babies from them this Spring. I also have a young bb red pullet and a young black cockerel that I hatched from eggs from another breeder. Didn't have a great hatch from those eggs, but they're from a great breeder, so I'll work with what I've got. I've really come to love this breed. They're feisty little birds, that's for sure. You'll enjoy them.
Matt, they're lookin good. Glad you're enjoying them. Im not sure how the genetics really work yet as I've only had blacks until this year. I have one black hen in with my wheatens and plan to snag a wheaten hen to put to my black roo to improve the heads on the wh. I'll have to post pics of them. They just started laying and have filled out nicely. And, man, what color! absolutely stunning. From what I understand blue/black/splash can all be bred together to produce more of the same... like any other breed. I believe mottled, brassy back and bbred can be put to blacks to get birds that can be put back to these varities without destroying patterns too much. And, the white in rosecomb is not recessive but a diluter so, breeding whites to blacks will give you blues. Here's a link to the rosecomb federation where they show pics of all the varieties. I am a member and anyone who's really into them should join. They send out a newsletter and give you the contact info of EVERY member and what they breed... very very handy

I cannot believe I am STILL hatching. ..have about 50 eggs in the bator and 40 some grow outs out there somewhere. I'll have plenty to choose from come show season... Y'all better watch out!
One pullet in particular is giving me warm and fuzzies every time I hold her.. .she is already so heavy and just struts her stuff everywhere. ..just love these guys.

Paula, I cannot wait to see pics of your Plumer chicks. As soon as they start lookin like something, we should swap pics. I think I have all pullets... wouldn't ya know! When you want a roo, you don't get one... when you don't want one, ya get 15
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