Rotate Deworming Medication/Repeat Tapeworm Problem

I've seen that Mexi-Cali site before. Suspicious. It also contains abamectin:
Probably used like Ivermectin for mites and a few types of worms.

That looks like an error to me, or old stock that has since been re-formulated. I wouldn't use it. Gamecockers don't worry about withdrawal periods or using something like abamectin I guess. I certainly would be concerned about it.

The only Trifen Plus I've seen has fenbendazole/abamectin in it and is in a tablet form:
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I know, I read it, just thought you would be interested in it... Guess not.

I thought it was misunderstood from what I stated previously. No disrespect, Kathy. I researched it before I got it myself. I've been looking for Albendazole in tab form, and Trifen Avicola was it. The tabs are a bit smaller than other tabs I've seen, which makes it more appealing because they are easier for the bird to swallow. I know the pigeon supply houses are another option for tab form wormers too.
I've dealt with tapeworms many times, they are difficult to get rid of. Purchase Zimectrin Gold equine paste wormer. The praziquantel in z-gold will kill tapes, it's the same as drontal/droncit. Give your birds a "pea" size amount orally to each chicken. They will wipe their beaks on the ground afterwards which is normal. Repeat dosing in 10 days.
There are only 4 wormers I know of that will kill tapeworms in chickens: Valbazen at double doses, zimectrin gold, equimax, and quest plus. The last 3 are equine wormers. I dont recommend quest plus because it requires exact measurement for dosing, there is little room for error. The zimectrin gold is the safest equine wormer of the three. I've used it without any problems.
If you wish to use valbazen, let me has to be administered differently to be effective rather than redosing just one more time in 10 days.
FYI: Insects are the intermediate host carrying infective tapeworm eggs. Chickens eat infected insects, chicken gets infected.
Dawg53...I know this is an old thread but I could use some info on the number of doses you use to treat these stubborn tapeworms. I am using Valbazen to treat the chickens. Do I give more than two doses? First dose then wait 10 to 14 days then dose again, which i did. Is there a need for 3rd dose? Because after second dose I'm still seeing live tapeworms. I'd appreciate your help.
Dawg53...I know this is an old thread but I could use some info on the number of doses you use to treat these stubborn tapeworms. I am using Valbazen to treat the chickens. Do I give more than two doses? First dose then wait 10 to 14 days then dose again, which i did. Is there a need for 3rd dose? Because after second dose I'm still seeing live tapeworms. I'd appreciate your help.
Skip the Valbazen for tapeworms and buy Equimax equine paste. Dosage is given orally 0.03ml per pound or 0.15ml given orally for a 5lb chicken. Redose in 14 days.
Valbazen has lost its effectiveness treating tapeworms but it's very effective eliminating all types of poultry roundworms.
The Equimax will be in the Equine section at a feed store, including Tractor Supply stores.

Skip the Valbazen for tapeworms and buy Equimax equine paste. Dosage is given orally 0.03ml per pound or 0.15ml given orally for a 5lb chicken. Redose in 14 days.
Valbazen has lost its effectiveness treating tapeworms but it's very effective eliminating all types of poultry roundworms.
The Equimax will be in the Equine section at a feed store, including Tractor Supply stores.

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Will try that, thank you so much!
Dawg53...I know this is an old thread but I could use some info on the number of doses you use to treat these stubborn tapeworms. I am using Valbazen to treat the chickens. Do I give more than two doses? First dose then wait 10 to 14 days then dose again, which i did. Is there a need for 3rd dose? Because after second dose I'm still seeing live tapeworms. I'd appreciate your help.
Like Dawg said ...Valbazen isn't good enough for tapes
Get the right dewormer and you'll be good to go.
It helps to look up threads that are more recent. This one is 10 years old, and pretty outdated. Dawg53 always knows the current info on worming. Praziquantel, the ingredient that is best to treat tapeworms is in Droncit, Drontel, Equimax and Zimectrin Gold horse pastes, and a few other products. Dosages all will depend on the product.

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