Rubbing beak on me

hello its me katey again, just to say lm rubbish on computers, lve fudged my way here, so it may take me a while to get back here again cos l dont know what threads or posts are l just pressed the reply and submit buttons to write this, l get lost and confused very easily, lm a bit of a technophobe so please bear with me  ty x

Well, Katey, looks like you're going to be in for an interesting ride with your little cockerel! Since he is the only chicken you have and appears to have adopted you as his flock, he is naturally going to want to be with you pretty much all the time which is why he doesn't much care for his garden coop. I assume you have him on a commercial poultry diet by now. I must admit, I haven't heard of people litter-training their chickens--if it doesn't work out then a common option for house chickens is a chicken diaper. If you're handy, there are sewing patterns available or you can purchase them pre-made.
I know this is a super old post but I'm not finding anything else on this subject and I wanted to chime in for anyone else trying to figure this out too!

My pullet I hand fed for a couple days does this exact thing to me. It appears to be an affection thing. They are trying to preen you but you lack feathers so it just goes against your skin!
hi everyone in chuck chuck land,my name is katey and lm new on here. l have been checking out your site for about 6 weeks now for advice because l have quite accidently aquired a chicken, or rather, a chicken has adopted me. Approx 6 sundays ago a young plump chick appeared at my back door which was open as l was tidying up the garden and had come in to make a cuppa. I said hello who are you as it made its way into the living room and up onto hubbies armchair and promptly fell asleep.I was very surprised, as you can imagine. Now my dad had a hen pen for many years so l happen to know that it is a silky bantam and was approx 8wks old 6 weeks ago but that is the extent of my knowledge.It had a snooze for about 10 mins, must have had a long walk from somewhere, l was in the kitchen when it awoke and turned around to find it stood behind me so l gave it some bread crumbs and water which it gobbled up. It then proceeded to follow me back into the living room, hopped up onto the coffee table and we both watched a bit of judge judy on tv during which it jumped from the coffee table to the arm of the sofa climbed up my arm and perched on my shoulder snuggling into my hair. I was absolutley astounded, i have never seen anything like it. I know you probably dont believe me, l wouldnt either, but honestly its true, thats why lm on here. This chicken thinks its a dog or a cat, it sits on our knees or at our feet and follows me everywhere, its perched on the back of the computer chair as lm writing although it prefers the back of the sofa facing the tv. Its not very happy at the moment because of the fireworks all weekend, usually theres a lot of 'cooing' and 'trilling' noises. Ihad absolutely no idea what to do with him and was soo amazed at what it was doing, so l decided to keep him for a bit to see what it would do next, I clearly didnt think this through. A couple of weeks later l discovered him attacking his reflection in the wardrobe mirror, he has the run of the house by the way, l knew then he was a cockeral, then the cock a doodle doos sort of gave it away as well, albeit a pathetic attempt but he's getting better, or worse as the case may be cos hes at it all the time much to hubbies annoyance when hes trying to kip between jobs lol, l shouldnt laugh, it is a bit much. He is also a poo machine, l have had to put covers over the soft furnishings, l am trying to potty train him at the moment with in kitty litter trays, instructions from the internet, its a work in progress lol.slow progress.I've got him a little coop at the bottom of the garden where he goes when lm going out but l dont think hes very keen, and he sleeps in a big cardboard box on straw, a cover and a teddy for company, in the computer room at night. Ive called him paxo boomerang mcbuk. Im muddling through, any advice would be appreciated x
woah, that's one advanced chicken! How is he doing?

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