Running in circles....


7 Years
Sep 15, 2012
My turkey hens have started running in circles around my oldest tom, and then chest bumping him and each other. Usually when this is done part of the hens are displaying or strutting, and they are all chirping. It's not the same call they use, when one is separated from the group, or the putting they do when startled.Is it part of the mating ritual or something else?
Usually occurs in turkeys that are content/excited (by something that isn't going to eat them). Ours will run around in circles, taking short flights and commenting loudly while doing so (brief mock sparring as well). Usually referred to as the `happy dance' (excited by potential mates/pleased with just being alive? who knows? Sign of a well cared for flock, regardless).
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Thanks Ivan3, wasn't sure what is was about, but I like your answer. It is a beautiful thing to watch
, and makes me happy.The chirping they make while doing this does sound happy.
Watch them at dawn (if not raining/snowing steadily). Both sexes will leave the roost and, often, `play' for a few minutes, with one another, usually forming something a `chase' ring often accompanied by chest butting/`wanna fight?' trilling on the part of the males - nothing comes of it - and a lot of short vertical takeoffs and landings). Ours have been doing this year round for going on 8 yrs., now.

Only time I've seen the hens `circle' a male more than once, was a tom that got beat down from alpha to omega and then hens were rubbing it in by biting his head and caruncles (had to be separated).
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