Runny poo ok? Pic included beware


5 Years
May 17, 2014
Federal Way, Washington State
I've been finding some poo like this but the girls have had a lot of new additions to their diet lately
When you say "some" poo - how much? Does it look like all of your girls are pooping like that several times a day, or just one from time to time? Also, what changes have you made to their diet? If you can tell us what you are giving them that is different, then maybe someone will be able to spot something that can help you.

Do any of your girls look off colour or sick in any way, or are they all acting normally?
They are on medicated crumbles and a new addition a month ago was treated for coccwhatever it is. I think one girl I particular is doing these poops on a regular basis but I can't be sure. I do see them every day in the coop along with normal poo. I try to give them a treat a day (since we can't free range) like a square of untreated sod, dries worms, half a cantaloupe or a tray
Of wheat berry sprouts

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