runny poop


9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Kansas City Mo
one of my little chickens has very very runny poop. it is stuck to her butt and make her walk funn. i gave her a bath and it help for a day but it came back. Now she looks like she may die she has not moved all day. what could be doing this to her. she is the only one that this has a problem
Research "Pasty Butt" on BYC. You need to gently remove the hardened poop with warm water on a cotton ball. You can apply some oil to their butt to keep it from getting stuck again. Check the temp of your brooder as being too hot may encourage this to occur. When you research Pasty Butt you may get more ideas regarding other ways to resolve or avoid the issue.

Good luck to both you and your chick!

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