Russian Orloff always lays soft shell eggs


5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
We have tried it all - oyster shell, yogurt, all things calcium. The girls get lots of free range time, and there have been no new stressors that have changed for her. We may have gotten one or two regular eggs at the very beginning, but it's been 6 months now, and basically, it's always soft shell. If she's OK, then we can live with it (we're more the pet type chicken owners than the farmer type), but just checking to see if there are any other ideas out there.
My Orpington has always laid soft shelled eggs...despite layer feed, oyster shell, yogurt etc. I don't like it because they often get broken in the nest, make a mess, the girls eat it. I also worry about them breaking inside her, but it hasn't happened yet. Otherwise she seems normal and happy. I usually save the 'Trudy' eggs to eat myself (fried only...they dont boil well) and sell the normal eggs from all the other hens.
She's been laying soft eggs for 2 years now and none of the others do, so I figure she's just got a defective shell gland.
Good to know we're not the only ones. She's a sweet bird, so she'll stay around. :)

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