?'s bout duck diapers

Personally (please no one get offended) I don't like the idea of keeping them indoors I feel it's not natural for them and a bit unhealthy but that's only my opinion I'm not saying you should stop keeping indoor ducks! :)
PartyFowl, Etsy. 
Hands down. She continued what Nettie on Indoor Ducks did. 

I get compliments and people whipping out their phones to snap a pic, no one has seen a duck or goose in a diaper. 

my last one was incandescent, and beautiful! I LOOOOVVVEEE ittt.

PartyFowl is owned by Nettie ;)

My experience with Party Fowl was not as good, I sent a message trying to order a custom duck harness, and didn't get a reply for 2 weeks, so I sent another message. This time I got a response and so I asked what fabric patterns she had as they were not listed and if I could mail in spandex paying the same rate (just to use up spandex I had). I didn't hear back for 3 weeks until she asked if I wanted to place an order yet, not answering any of my my previous queries. She had no etsy feedback at the time, just some harnesses listed, so hopefully she has gotten improved customer service.

I am a regular eBay and Etsy buyer, as I prefer to support individuals with talent rather than buy from major manufacturers. I bought from The Gooses Mother previously until Nancy passed on, and her products were impeccable! My diapers from her are still on my ducks today. :)

Nancys husband is making duck diapers still :)
Personally (please no one get offended) I don't like the idea of keeping them indoors I feel it's not natural for them and a bit unhealthy but that's only my opinion I'm not saying you should stop keeping indoor ducks! :)

To each its own, right? I love having an indoor duck, but if I ever had the land I would love an outdoor flock
I didn't know The Gooses Mother passed on.

Yes, it takes up to a month to get the diaper, but I like them. I bought two that were scraps and the sewing on those was not as good. The one I specifically asked for is wonderful, and well made.
I am sorry you didn't get the customer service you were looking for. She explained to me that it is just her putting them together, so it takes a bit longer....job, family, duck....
Denver Ducky....I knew there were two gals making them but mixed up the names. Nettie. You are correct. Silly me.

As for an indoor duck, Mine sleeps in a box (like a rubbermaid storage thingy) with shavings in it. Her box sits right next to were I sit to watch movies or cruise the internet. She babbles to herself because she can see me when she cares to look up (like watching a bird flying overhead) or when she hears my voice. I put the lid on crossways, so it is darker but still open enough for her to jump out if she wants. She did that more when she was a bit younger. She LOVES being inside with us, and her diaper keeps my floor or my hip clean. yes, She loves to sit on my hip while I watch tv etc.
She spends her day outside in a pen or in the backyard depending on my dogs' energy level. If she fusses to loudly, daddy puts her back in her box inside and she is happy there babbling again.
She likes being with and around us, and I like her outside during the day. It keeps her box clean.
Just so I am understanding, I can purchase Duck diapers from Nettie, who owns PartyFowl and The Goose Mother (Nancy's) Husband? I see the link for PartyFowl, where can I find info about the other diapers? I am sorry to hear about The Goose Mother passing, I see lots of amazing things about her posted here.
I made my ducks diapers out of socks just as a temporary diaper until I order. How do you get the ducks to wear it? Mine struggle and squirm until they slip out before I'm even done putting it on. Should it be this hard to put it on the first time? Or do my ducks just not want to ha anything to do with these diapers. They do live outside, but I would like them to be able to come in and visit once in a while. I am also trying to harness and leash train them, too.
I made my own :)
Token's first diaper was a sock

His 2nd was a harness

and his 3rd was made from swim wear.

I ordered a diaper from nettie also...over a month ago...and same thing as SeramaChick, it hasn't been a positive experience. I didn't get a reply for days and when I finally heard back on the size I ordered right away and waited patiently, 4weeks later and a due date wasn't even estimated.. So I finally emailed them to check how much longer it would be and i still have to wait 3 weeks!
My boyfriend is ******, thinks it's too expensive for how long we have been waiting.. $40! And that's why I now started making Token my own diapers

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