Sad day at the Post Office

Boy that is sad! Does the hatchery refund / send new birds? Does the Post Office take any responsibility and compensate the buyer?

All said and done, I'm so glad we're one of the few countries that have a postal service so good that you can actually send chicks in the mail. That's just pretty amazing.
Ugh...I would have hated to be the person opening that box....
I just had to give up an item I won on Eggbid in NH because the man really intended to ship as long as it was in the two digits like 10 or 11 degrees!! :eek: Fortunately for the birds the PO agreed w/me - The system does work well at times - poor chicks and I am glad I decided to tell him no thanks rather then have something bad happen, like in your story, to the birds.
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I'm in NH, and I can't imagine shipping chicks now. The evening temps have been consistently in the single digits or below zero. Daytime temps that get anywhere over 20 are rare and even welcome at this point! I'm not even thinking about hatching chicks for myself since it's so cold (although since almost no hens are laying right now, I don't really have a choice either way!)


I got my order in to day we had ordered 35 chicks and they put 15 extra in. When I picked up the box at the post office and got home with them 32 of the chicks were dead I called McMurray and informed them and the reshipped another order free of charge.

thank you
I don't get it... why is this happening so much? Doesn't seem good for the chicks and doesn't seem good for business. Was there some surprise cold front that came in? I would think the hatcheries would know what they are doing by now and have less of a failure rate.
Glad that McM made good for you Keith...They seem to be good about that.
It's been below freezing this past time since Saturday and it won't be over that until next Tuesday in MA...
I think that no lives should be shipped in winter or in summer. We've been getting fish in that have hotpacks. We got some Tomato frogs in and half had died by the time we unboxed them...

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