Sad day


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
SE Michigan
Our return to winter brought subfreezing temps and snow and sleet and cold wind. Today I was tied up on calls until 3 p.m. and found one of the two brooder lamps out, and the broiler and EE chicks all piled in one corner away from the lights.

When I got the light back on and scattered the crowd, I found my beautiful golden EE baby under the pile, warm and limp. I tried to resuscitate as she was still pink and soft, but it was too late.

RIP little one. 3/29/2015 - 4/22/2015

Oh! I am so sorry!
You must have felt horrible!
Yes, she was growing in beautiful honey colored feathers. Her mom is a light golden EE and her dad is a Salmon Faverolle-Ameraucana roo. Beautiful parents, beautiful baby.
I lost a splash Silkie baby 2 years ago like is one of the hardest to very sorry for your loss..she was beautiful ♡
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