Sad, sad day.


Fire Is Catching
8 Years
Feb 20, 2011
Yesterday we lost 6 birds. Their bodies were laying all over our yard. One of my favorite roosters (SLW) died along with most of our RIR's, a GLW, BO's, etc.... My brother was hysterically crying cause his favorite rooster died. It was very sad. Too add to it, it was our neighbor's dog! This is the 2nd or 3rd time this happened with their dog/s. We went to their house and they are paying us for the chickens we lost and they are going to fence up the dogs. We had 19 chickens all together.
Here's their pics to remember them by. (I don't have a pic of one of them)

(Oh here's a prettier veiw of the SLW rooster.)
Oh, Forever! I am so sorry! You don't have to reply to my PM if you don't want!
That is so sad that you lost so many chickens to an attack. They were beautiful. I hope your neighbor over heard your brother crying and will remember that every time the dogs are loose and secure them right away.
I am sorry. They were lovely birds. At least your neighbors have taken responsibility for what their dog/s did.

Good luck.
If this is the 2nd or 3rd time, they need to take more than responsibility. Those dogs should not be let out with out being on a run.

That being said, Sucha beauty of a rooster.
Your poor brother
. I hope you guys end up with another beauty like him and soon. So sorry for your losses.
If this is the 2nd or 3rd time, they need to take more than responsibility. Those dogs should not be let out with out being on a run.

That being said, Sucha beauty of a rooster.
Your poor brother
. I hope you guys end up with another beauty like him and soon. So sorry for your losses.

I know! And thank you.

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