Sally's GF3 thread


The tomatoes are in. You can barely see the plants, they're still so small. The soil is a dreary mix of beige and brown, with some nicer patches. I'll look back on this and think how neat and tidy it is.

The cool thing about pictures of the garden is I can just show where it looks presentable. Unlike if you were to visit. :lau

Though you'd be welcome to visit, if you were in the area.

Speaking of being in the area, there's a reason to be in Muskegon in September. It's the Michigan Irish Music Festival, September 14-17.

This group of kids is worth the price of admission by themselves.

Shout out to Grand Valley State University, where they all went to school. (Many years after I did. :))
I should have covered them all up. I was warned. They'd said low of 38. I had 36 at the house, and I measured a :duc 27 FN degree air temp in the garden. The soil was still (relatively) toasty at 43.

I lost about 1/3 of the tomatoes and peppers, all of the squash. One of the grapevines might have gone bye-bye, and 3 of the 4 loofas look dead. The two marigolds that I planted are fine, but the ones in pots are probably gone. Go figure...

The damage was very hit and miss. One entire row of tomatoes is gone, but in the rest of the rows, it's here or there. The potato plants look horrible, but they should send up new sprouts and be fine. The asparagus seems to be ok. The tops of the cilantro plants that are growing wild in the asparagus bed might be dead, but I was going to pull them after they bloomed anyway. (I was going to let them flower for the bees.)

A trip to the local farm stand, and I'm back to full garden capacity. They have MUCH better plants and prices than the local big grocery (Meijers). I had to get all hybrids, and they're nothing special, Better Boy, Early Girl, etc. Oh well.

I'll be saving all my gallon milk jugs for the next emergency. Cut the bottom off, and they're perfect for covering the small plants.
I should have covered them all up. I was warned. They'd said low of 38. I had 36 at the house, and I measured a :duc 27 FN degree air temp in the garden. The soil was still (relatively) toasty at 43.

I lost about 1/3 of the tomatoes and peppers, all of the squash. One of the grapevines might have gone bye-bye, and 3 of the 4 loofas look dead. The two marigolds that I planted are fine, but the ones in pots are probably gone. Go figure...

The damage was very hit and miss. One entire row of tomatoes is gone, but in the rest of the rows, it's here or there. The potato plants look horrible, but they should send up new sprouts and be fine. The asparagus seems to be ok. The tops of the cilantro plants that are growing wild in the asparagus bed might be dead, but I was going to pull them after they bloomed anyway. (I was going to let them flower for the bees.)

A trip to the local farm stand, and I'm back to full garden capacity. They have MUCH better plants and prices than the local big grocery (Meijers). I had to get all hybrids, and they're nothing special, Better Boy, Early Girl, etc. Oh well.

I'll be saving all my gallon milk jugs for the next emergency. Cut the bottom off, and they're perfect for covering the small plants.
Sorry you lost some to the cold however great to hear you were able to replace them!
I want to post something positive today, so here it is:

It's our 34th wedding anniversary today! :celebrate And yes, I'd marry him again. :thumbsup

I just had to go back and correct my typo... "weeding anniversary." :lau

A few years ago, someone asked me, "If something happened to your husband, would you get married again?"

I told her, "I doubt it. It took me 30 years to get him to put his dirty socks into a pile at the end of the couch. I'm not starting all that training again with someone new!"
I want to post something positive today, so here it is:

It's our 34th wedding anniversary today! :celebrate And yes, I'd marry him again. :thumbsup

I just had to go back and correct my typo... "weeding anniversary." :lau

A few years ago, someone asked me, "If something happened to your husband, would you get married again?"

I told her, "I doubt it. It took me 30 years to get him to put his dirty socks into a pile at the end of the couch. I'm not starting all that training again with someone new!"
Congrats on 34 years! :woot Me and the hubby will celebrate 34 years too in October, I couldn't agree more with all you've said! :)
Good news: The bad news isn't as bad as I thought. I replanted 9 tomatoes and 4 peppers in the uphill garden, 3 cherry tomatoes in the downhill garden. And all the squash. I over-bought on the replacement tomato plants, and have 10 left over. I have places to put them. I plan to wait a day or so to see if any more plants don't make it. Some that looked like goners yesterday look better today. There was a whole row that I was sure was dead yesterday, and 6 out of 7 look alive today.

Unfortunately, the only cherry tomato that made it is the same variety as the ones I bought, as they had just the one kind. Too bad on the Black Cherry tomato... it's been my favorite.

I'm not sure how my blueberries did. Nearly all the flowers are gone, and I don't know if the developing berries withstand frost better. Three or four of my bushes are LOADED with berries! The most I've ever seen on them. I think adding a soil acidifier has helped immensely. Crossing my fingers that they are ok. :fl :fl

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