Sally's GF3 thread

Today, I collected asparagus beetle grubs and gave them to the chickens. I think they ate them, but they weren't excited about it. This was the first time, so maybe they'll be more appreciative next time.

I took a wide mouthed plastic container and a small pair of scissors to the asparagus patch. I snipped the bit of frond that had the grub on it, letting it fall in the container. I had a decent amount, even though I think (hope!) the asparagus beetle season is winding down. I've been squishing them daily.

We'll be getting the Japanese Beetles soon. Free chickie snack! Hey, I gotta put a positive spin on those :duc bugs.
Today, DH and I did a sugar roll test for varroa mites on our bees. It was the first time we've done it, and I'd say it went fairly well.

Here's what it entails, explained, with pictures.

We found 3 mites, which is 1%, and below the treatment threshold.

The bees weren't happy about the interruption to their day, but we didn't get stung! :thumbsup
I wonder if the fresh chicken he ate was an older bird? Also, maybe it could have been cooked a better way? Maybe if it was a young bird cooked properly, he'd feel different?

My DH has an uncle who will only eat store bought eggs. Says he can't eat an egg from the backyard. They are retired and she cooks breakfast often. Sometimes they are our backyard eggs. :lol: He's been eating our eggs off and on for several years. She just has to hide the shells. We have blue, tan, and dark brown Marans eggs. None are white. We just don't say anything. :lau

I have eaten home (family) raised birds many times through out my life. Never one I've raised myself.

If I have extra cockerels my husband dispatches them and takes them to his Mom. She loves home raised birds. If I have a bird that has to be put down, he also handles that. I think if I had a bird suffering and he wasn't around I could take care of it. It would be hard.

One day I was going grocery shopping around the same time he was getting some cockerels ready for his Mom. One of the things I was buying at the store that day was chicken. I told myself this makes no sense. Decided I needed to change my thinking. I think the first couple times will be difficult but I'm going to give it a try. I've got to separate my pets (layers) and my food.
I won't eat store bought chicken unless, and they are quite hard to find here, I know they were pasture raised. It's not just an ehtical issue, once I had eaten free range chicken the store stuff just tasted :sick
I won't eat store bought chicken unless, and they are quite hard to find here, I know they were pasture raised.
Wondering if Trader Joes or Whole Foods here in Grand Rapids, MI, has pasture raised chicken...?

I've only eaten (regular, ie, factory farmed) store bought chicken.

One of the reasons I wanted to get Bielefelders is for their auto-sexing at hatch. If the SHTF, I could see us raising our own chickens for meat. Hubby would have to change his tune, and he's said, yeah, under those circumstances, he would.

But we're not at that point. Which is good.
Wonders if 'pasture raised' meat birds are in a pasture more than 'pasture raised' laying birds?....or is it really just a marketing ploy?
There is always the risk of falling foul of greenwashing.
Third party certification is one helpfull indication.
There is a butcher here in Bristol that will tell you the farm they came from and provide recent documentation with pictures of the keeping conditions. Of course, this makes chicken meat rather expensive.
Pictures from the Holland Celtic Music Festival.

This is Ironwood. The guitar player could have a second gig doing shampoo commercials. The young lady was playing harmonica, but she is a phenomenal violin and mandolin player too.


This is Crossbow. VERY talented group. The woman with the guitar has a set of pipes on her...!

Holland, MI, is a pain in the butt to drive around in. They don't believe in street signs. Or, rather, they don't put them where they're easily visible. :rolleyes:

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