Sally's GF3 thread

Thanks to Sally for starting another great, friendly, informative thread to follow! Normally partial to @Shadrach Ex battery thread but somehow always find myself falling woefully behind in taxes of course 🤣
Also in MI - and had no idea we are seeing wildfire haze all day until I read it here. Just thought it was some weird, persistent fog đź«Ą
We got between 1.25 and 1.5 inches of rain. I am so very thankful.

Tomorrow, I'll be weeding in the garden. My hands will get sandy/muddy, even through my gloves. I'll probably get a bug bite or five. The humidity is going to rise, it'll get hot, and I don't care. We got rain.
Weeding is so much easier after a bit of rain.
Very foggy this morning. Only it isn't fog, it's wildfire smoke.

I went out to weed a bit and a bit is all I did. "Limit outside activity" warning on the news. I can feel the effect of the smoke in my nose and throat.

It's a shame I'm not out there weeding, as the recent rain (thank you!!!) makes the weeds easier to pull. It's also cool enough to work all afternoon, but I think that's not a good idea.

I weeded where my garlic bed was the last two years. The greens I planted there didn't grow very much, and then bolted. What I really need is another row of green beans, so that's what I planted. Beans (and peas) do not "play well" with alliums, so this is an experiment to see if they grow in a former allium bed.

I have a bucket of weeds for the adult chickens, and a small pile of small weeds for the chicks. Now I'm wondering if I should encourage any activity on their part, because of the smoke in the air.

I think the weeds will go to the compost pile. There are plenty more where they came from, and the smoke is supposed to clear out by tomorrow.
Well, if it ain't one thing it's something else. Sorry about the smoke.
I weeded in the garden for a couple of hours today. I started out wearing a mask because of the smoke, but took it off after an hour. It's still smoky/hazy out there, and now the house smells a bit like smoke. You notice it when you come in.

The :duc deer flies got me three times on the back of my right hand. Or maybe it was the same one, coming back again, and again. I was clipping the tips of the asparagus fronds that had the beetle grubs, and I thought it was the frond poking at me... nope. The first one got me, but good.

I wear a big floppy hat (much to hubby's chagrin) and put a bug net over it. That keeps them away from my head and face. Otherwise, I can't get anything done as I'm windmilling my arms to keep the bugs away. Good aerobic exercise, but I'd prefer to get mine walking the dog, thanks.

I also found some potato beetle grubs on a few potato plants. They're part of the dirt now. I only found one patch of eggs, so I don't know if I missed seeing eggs, or found the few that were there.

The sweet potato plants are looking good. For the beginning of June. We'll see if they do anything. If not, I'll be singing, "Soup Line, UPS, Soup Line."

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