Sally's GF3 thread

Those brownies sound great!

My family wanted quiche, and I am GF for now (appointment not til fall). So I made it with a shredded potato crust, sautéed the shredded potato first, then lined the bottom of the pie pan with it, and added the egg mix on top, cooked like a normal quiche. They actually liked it better than regular crust!
That is REALLY good.

If you leave the crust off, its a frittata. See, for instance. See also
I love frittatas! In April/May, when the chickens are in high gear and I have an egg skelter full of eggs, that's what I make. Some broccoli and cherry tomatoes from the store; onions and gobs of garlic. Got lots of eggs and some odds and ends of vegetables? Make a frittata.
So I made it with a shredded potato crust, sautéed the shredded potato first, then lined the bottom of the pie pan with it, and added the egg mix on top, cooked like a normal quiche. They actually liked it better than regular crust!
This is good! I make this too!
Sometimes I add in some chopped onion to the shredded potato.
We got our septic tank pumped today. I've never been home when it was done, so I had to watch. I looked inside. Ewwww... I was very glad for a bit of breeze to blow the lingering odor way. :sick

When the tank was empty, I told the guy, "Hey, you could hide a body in there!" After I said that I have been reading a lot of murder mysteries. :)

I was amazed at how FAST 800 gallons got sucked out of there! It took him longer to drive his big truck up my driveway, and then when done, maneuver his truck around and get out of here than it did to empty the tank. He said he wished he brought the small truck. I need to remember that for the next time. He made a note on the invoice that "winter service would not be possible." :gig
We are setting a record low high temp today. 61 degrees out there, chilly, and rain off and on all day. A day for staying inside, reading, and taking a nap. Check, check, check.

I pulled the spaghetti squash plants. They were dying anyway. They were wilting with no sign of squash bugs or squash vine borers, and I suspected voles were eating the roots. I got a total of 5 squash, in varying shades of ripeness. When I pulled the plants, I saw a lot of squash bugs. I thought about giving the vines to the chickens (protein and greens), but the vines are too spiny.

I'm going to bake the squashes tomorrow, since it'll be another cool day. Then fork out the flesh, let it drain overnight in the fridge, and freeze. I've never done that, so I'll see if it is any good next winter, or turns to mush. I doubt hubby will try it either way. He likes and can eat wheat based pasta, and sees no reason to try gluten free substitutes.
We are setting a record low high temp today. 61 degrees out there, chilly, and rain off and on all day. A day for staying inside, reading, and taking a nap. Check, check, check.

I pulled the spaghetti squash plants. They were dying anyway. They were wilting with no sign of squash bugs or squash vine borers, and I suspected voles were eating the roots. I got a total of 5 squash, in varying shades of ripeness. When I pulled the plants, I saw a lot of squash bugs. I thought about giving the vines to the chickens (protein and greens), but the vines are too spiny.

I'm going to bake the squashes tomorrow, since it'll be another cool day. Then fork out the flesh, let it drain overnight in the fridge, and freeze. I've never done that, so I'll see if it is any good next winter, or turns to mush. I doubt hubby will try it either way. He likes and can eat wheat based pasta, and sees no reason to try gluten free substitutes.
I hates squash bugs. I was told once that squash bugs emerge from the ground early in the planting season in this area. If I waited until June to plant my squash the bugs will have already given up and moved on. True or not I have no idea as I had already given up gardening when I heard it.
You only got to 61 today? Man alive. We hit 108 yesterday and it's showing 107 right now. Was probably hotter earlier.
You only got to 61 today? Man alive. We hit 108 yesterday and it's showing 107 right now. Was probably hotter earlier.
Yeah. It was literally a "no sweat" day. Today is forecast to reach 74. The rain might keep me inside, but I have garden produce to take care of.

I really feel for everyone who is suffering in the horrible heat. The Great Lakes make a tremendous difference in our weather.
I baked all the spaghetti squash I got from the garden. I was surprised that the two little ones had mature looking seeds inside.

It's all in a colander, draining into a bowl in the fridge. So far, about 3-4 cups of liquid have drained out. I'll package it up in quart sized Ziploc bags and put them in the freezer tomorrow morning.

Here hang my hopes for a loofa sponge. I saw 2-3 others that had not been pollinated; they're brown and about to fall off. There are some more female flower buds that are tiny. Crossing my fingers that they do something.

Like what? Dance? Sing? Well, if that's how they attract pollen, I don't care. For all I know, maybe they do. Just because I don't see/hear them do it doesn't mean they don't.

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