Sally's GF3 thread

Of hand come to mind,, DESSERTS :frow It is advised to eat first in case you are too full, after a hefty meal.
"Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first!" Especially if it's chocolate.
I do. Forgot the lemon juice, its been too long since I last made it.
So, you must be going into withdrawal.

The recipe makes about 4 cups, and it'll last up to 3 months in the fridge. That last bit is a joke, right?

The answer to the question, "What do you eat this with?" is, "A spoon will suffice."
Today, I bought a half bushel of Empire apples at the farm stand and they're in the dehyrator now. Smells nice in here! Empires make excellent dried apples. The tang is good, and they're sweeter than when fresh because drying them concentrates the sugar. The only better apple I've found is Honey Crisp. But Empires are $15/half bushel, and Honey Crisp are $35.

Part of the whole drying thing is the work involved. This year's Empre crop has some bigger than usual apples. That's good, because peeling apples is on my list of "things to do that I'd rather not." Empires are nice and solid, which helps; mushy apples are harder to peel, and the slices are .... mushy.

I slice off thick slices. Apples are mostly water; 86% according to a fast google just now. I like my dried apple slices to have some heft to them. I slice them as thick as will fit on my trays. That half bushel filled 6 1/2 trays (out of 9) on my dehydrator. I'll probably do at least another half bushel this season.
The long range forecast for temps did a big switcheroo today. This morning, it was "above to much above average" for the 8-15 day outlook. Now at the 6 pm broadcast, it's totally different: average to slightly below!

I will need to pay attention to possible frost soon, and get the sweet potatoes dug if it threatens. Nothing in this upcoming week, so I have a bit of time yet.

Grow, sweet potatoes, grow!
Have you tried drying the apples with the skins on? You might consider at least a trial few apples.
Yes, I did a few like that the first time. Both hubby and I had this reaction:
The sweetness of the apple is enhanced by drying. But the skin seemed more enhanced too, tougher and a bit bitter. Maybe a different type of apple with a thinner skin would have a different texture. I really like Empires though, and they have a fairly thick skin.

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