Sally's GF3 thread

What was different, that you could deal with it?

What about sedation dentistry? Does anyone near you offer that service?

I'm sorry you have this problem.
You're sweet. Thank you.

The good dentist was very gentle, and fast. He also believed me when I said I could still feel pain in my mouth despite the Novocaine. Others don't. They scoff. They bull ahead despite my protestations.

I'd have to trust a dentist before submitting to sedation, and I do have trust issues. I can recall ripping off my napkin and trying to get out of the dentist's chair when I was about 5, don't recall why, just that I was afraid.
...He also believed me when I said I could still feel pain in my mouth despite the Novocaine. Others don't. They scoff. They bull ahead despite my protestations.

I could always still feel pain too, until the dentist before last who gave more until I didn't feel it. The down side to this, is putting that much Novocaine in takes space that messes with my TMJ issues. That may not be so for other people.

The last (current) dentist said it isn't (or may not be) only a matter of how much Novocaine is used but of where exactly those nerves are - a certain percentage of people (5% or so, maybe) have a variation in where they are. She said this on my last visit, next time I'm going to ask if she can put the first shot in the alternate place and see if one shot will then work.

Edit to add, the previous dentist also said the Novocaine works less well for people who are not relaxed. The body chemistry counters it and the faster heartbeat clears it faster than typical. It can be a vicious cycle. I thought that was what was happening with me until this last dentist.

In checking my facts, I saw that If that is the case, rather than a nerve in an usual place, then sedatation dentistry can sometimes break the association so that some people can be painfree with only the standard meds.
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The good dentist was very gentle, and fast. He also believed me when I said I could still feel pain in my mouth despite the Novocaine. Others don't. They scoff. They bull ahead despite my protestations.
If I were in any healthcare position and someone said, "It still hurts," I would absolutely believe them!

How dare ANYONE try on my pain and say, "Because it doesn't hurt me, it can't/shouldn't hurt you." :mad::duc

Physical or emotional pain.

I was thinking of becoming a dentist when I was in college. Then I fell in love with photography and changed my mind.

I feel that the amount of garlic in recipes is the suggested BARE MINIMUM.

Like when they advertise something and list the price as, "From $19.95," it means, "Well, yeah, we do sell something sort of like the one shown for $19.95. But it doesn't include all the cool stuff we're talking about in this ad."

So when a recipe says, "1 clove garlic, minced," I understand that to mean, "Well, yeah, it might have some flavor if you use one measly clove of garlic. But it doesn't include all the deliciousness we're talking about in this recipe."

@Hayden Goseek, thanks for the meme!
If I were in any healthcare position and someone said, "It still hurts," I would absolutely believe them!

How dare ANYONE try on my pain and say, "Because it doesn't hurt me, it can't/shouldn't hurt you." :mad::duc

Physical or emotional pain.

I was thinking of becoming a dentist when I was in college. Then I fell in love with photography and changed my mind.
I love photography, too. It's a hobby, though.
I planted my garlic and multiplier onions today. I have a bed of 65 cloves of Music garlic, and 22 cloves of German White. We'll see how the taste differs in about... oh, 9 months?

When I was digging my Red Baron onions, I found 6 that had grown like the multiplier onions do. They are an experiment. I'd LOVE to have red multiplier onions!

I also had a Red Baron that grew topsets like the Egyptian Walking Onions. Only 3, but I planted them at one end of the bed. If I get some red EWOs, that would be awesome! We'll see in... oh, 9 months? :)
I also cleared out a space for some early flowering spring bulbs that the bees will (hopefully) like. I had to search for these:

Siberian Squill, Winter Aconite, and Snowdrops. Blue, yellow, and white flowers, respectively.

They're at the east edge of the garden, in my "bee garden." Pictures in 4-5 months. :)

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