Sally's GF3 thread

I won't be going to the store until Monday. It will be a mad house on the weekends from now through the end of the year. I did my time in retail. I was paroled many years ago, and then entered the "production" program for rehab. Sentence commuted to time served in 2020.

In more exciting news...

Robin laid another egg. :) 51 grams, a bit over a 6% increase! :) She's already into the medium size. She did lay it on the floor in the corner, though. I set up the second nestbox, in case she didn't like the one. I put boards over the spot where she had dug out a nest, to discourage this. The shavings are nice and deep there, and eggs could easily get lost. I took this as a hint she liked more "fluff" to make a nest in, and added more shavings to thenestboxes.

While I was in the coop before she laid, both she and Button were in the nextbox. So Button might be the next to lay...? Her comb and wattles are getting red too. :fl

I don't want to buy eggs at the store any more.
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I won't be going to the store until Monday. It will be a mad house on the weekends from now through the end of the year. I did my time in retail. I was paroled many years ago, and then entered the "production" program for rehab. Sentence commuted to time served in 2020.

In more exciting news...

Robin laid another egg. :) 51 grams, a bit over a 6% increase! :) She's already into the medium size. She did lay it on the floor in the corner, though. I set up the second nestbox, in case she didn't like the one. I put boards over the spot where she had dug out a nest, to discourage this. The shavings are nice and deep there, and eggs could easily get lost. I took this as a hint she liked more "fluff" to make a nest in, and added more shavings to thenestboxes.

While I was in the coop before she laid, both she and Button were in the nextbox. So Button might be the next to lay...? Her comb and wattles are getting red too. :fl

I don't want to buy eggs at the store any more.
Wow that is a fast change in egg size! My two pullets are still at around 40g after a week or so. I don’t care how tiny, we need eggs here too! 😂 Is it just the pullets in that coop? You have older hens too, or no?
Three 3 year old hens
Two 2 year old hens
Five pullets
One rooster.

One of the 3 yo is looking red in the comb. Neither of the 2yo are anywhere close. One is growing out the worst molt of the flock.

I'm thinking/hoping that by New Years, I won't need to buy eggs anymore. :fl

I want to make frittatas again! :drool
I won't be going to the store until Monday. It will be a mad house on the weekends from now through the end of the year.

Robin laid another egg. :) 51 grams, a bit over a 6% increase! :) She's already into the medium size. She did lay it on the floor in the corner, though.
Nice increase in size!
I have a 1.5 yr old Wyandotte who refuses to lay in the nest box. She has 4 to choose from. Everyone else even my spring pullets are putting them in to nest box. She has chosen a spot in the corner just outside the box on the floor. I blocked her spot. She put it beside the blocked area. I blocked more area. She just moved over a bit more. We did this for about 2 wks. :rolleyes:
So she put it in the middle of the floor. :barnie

I moved everything out of the way. Corner is clean, out of the way.
I collect a pretty tan egg a couple times a week.

From the floor. :hmm
How often does the rooster lay????
:lau The slacker doesn't lay at all.

And yes, as soon as I typed "Robin laid an egg," that song went through my head. :gig

I think I have another layer now, as of yesterday. It was out in the run, so I thought it might have caught a brand new layer by surprise. And I think it is Button!

The reason I think so... Different color (much lighter) and similar color to what my other Australorps (3 black, 1 blue) lay.

I opened the second nestbox a couple days ago. Hopefully they figure it out. :love
I have a 1.5 yr old Wyandotte who refuses to lay in the nest box. She has 4 to choose from. Everyone else even my spring pullets are putting them in to nest box. She has chosen a spot in the corner just outside the box on the floor. I blocked her spot. She put it beside the blocked area. I blocked more area. She just moved over a bit more. We did this for about 2 wks. :rolleyes:
So she put it in the middle of the floor. :barnie

I moved everything out of the way. Corner is clean, out of the way.
I collect a pretty tan egg a couple times a week.

From the floor.
When my first batch starting laying, the very first egg was in the run. The second one was in a corner of the coop. I put a board there, and she laid farther down the wall. (Gee, that sounds familiar, huh? :barnie)

The nestboxes were about 18" above the floor, so I took one down and put it on the floor in the corner. Bingo! I left it there for a week, then put it up on a couple bricks. Still good. I raised it a bit every week and then put it back where it had been. Problem solved.

I'm hoping that Button (if it is she) will figure it out.

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