Sally's GF3 thread

If you don't mind a rabbit trail...

I'm looking for gluten- and corn-free ideas for snacks.

All the kids and various girlfriends/ fiancées are coming for five days. One of the girls needs gluten-free and corn-free.

I think I have the main meals thought out but the snacks have been difficult. If it helps, we do a lot of board games, card games, puzzles, and such.

Almond flour banana bread with chocolate chips

Fruit & yogurt cups (could add granola to those not gluten free), or just fruit salad

Veggies & dip (hummus, guacamole, ranch)

Cheese sticks and pepperoni

Fruit smoothies/popsicles

Peanut Butter & apple slices

Pizza with cauliflower crust
Since we were discussing eggs, DW, sent me this quiz.
I need help with this one PLEASE. :old
No matter your identity, your body will/will not do certain things unless you change it.

I would LOVE to identify as Simone Biles. That girl is strong, ripped, agile, gravity defying! But no matter how hard I try (granted, I haven't tried at all), my body will never do what hers is capable of.

I have come to be at peace with my own body. I try to take care of it, and for the most part, it takes care of me. It has not always been what I wanted it to be, but we're comfortable with each other now.
No matter your identity, your body will/will not do certain things unless you change it.

I would LOVE to identify as Simone Biles. That girl is strong, ripped, agile, gravity defying! But no matter how hard I try (granted, I haven't tried at all), my body will never do what hers is capable of.

I have come to be at peace with my own body. I try to take care of it, and for the most part, it takes care of me. It has not always been what I wanted it to be, but we're comfortable with each other now.
I bet Simone doesn't have chickens...
I got 3 eggs today! :wee That hasn't happened since September 2nd. I am done buying store bought eggs!

I'm going to take 3 of the remaining store bought eggs to make a loaf of GF bread. Why waste the "good ones" on something you can't taste the eggs in?

It'll be nice to have the room on the fridge shelf, and not spend the money. It's only $1.79 (as of last week), but it's just another Thing I Need To Buy. But not any more. :)
Several years ago, I tried to grow tomatoes inside my green house with the idea of having tomatoes late into fall, because the plants would be protected from freezing. I wanted to grow them in a big tote, so they'd have plenty of root room.

I didn't want to drill holes in the totes, so that I wouldn't ruin them. But... drainage... Hmmm. I put a couple inches of rocks in the bottom, then filled it with (homemade) potting soil. The tomato plants did diddly squat (probably because it got REALLY hot in there), so the experiment didn't work. But I had two totes full of nice potting soil. With lots of rocks in the bottom.

I've used the soil for starting tomatoes and other tender plants in the spring. Yesterday, I planted 5 pots each of kale and spinach. Today, I planted 6 pots of mixed lettuces. I am getting to the bottom of the tote, and getting lots of rocks. That slows the planting process down.

I didn't have much soil in the tote, so I dumped it into a bucket. I shook the bucket, banging it on the ground.

Some rocks came up to the surface. Picked them out. Banged it on the ground, more rocks came up.

OMG!!!! ROCKS FLOAT!!!:eek: :lau

Finally, I was scooping out less than half a trowel's worth of dirt, picking rocks out of each scoop. But there is still some nice potting soil in there. I'm going to find something to sift out the rest of the pebbles. I am hard core about not throwing out something that I worked hard to make.

Ok, you want to know how hard core, ie, cheap I am? This is what I do with shampoo.

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