Sally's GF3 thread

My last check up (last summer), my cholesterol was 241. 240 is high, and this has NEVER been an issue for me. It's been creeping up, but this is scaring me. I told the doc, no pills, not taking any pills other than the supplements I take now. He agreed, but said that the trend is something we need to reverse. Watch what I eat (more than I do already), yada yada yada. See ya next year.

So since it's the end/beginning of the old/new year, I thought I'd see what more I can do as far as diet and exercise. Thus the chard and collard experiments, as those are "s'posed to be good for ya." ("Hey Mikey!")

Hubby has decided that he's going to work out on the elliptical 10 minutes a day, no days off, in addition to our walks with Freya. I decided I would do it too. Well, we ain't in as good a shape as we thought. Figured that out on day one.

Looked up my target heart rate...
155-160 is the "max" for my age group. Well, 155 if I were 65, 160 if I were 60. Since I'm in the low part of that at 61, I'll just take the range and work from there. Target rate is 50-85% of the max, so I want to be getting my pulse up to 80-130ish. I can do that. Oh. For 10 minutes or 20 minutes...? Uh... Got some work to do, then. The 80 is something I can do, but it's going to be awhile before I can sustain 130 for 10 minutes.

Therefore, it's a goal. Gotta have goals, right?

Back to the diet thing. (I hope I'm not getting preachy here. I do not mean to push my "way" onto anyone else.) I looked up foods to help lower cholesterol. Turns out one of my favorites, oatmeal, is in the top 10 (or 5 or 8 or whatever list I looked at). A search on oatmeal as a good thing brought me here:

That was a very interesting read. I buy old fashioned oats, but I want to look for steel cut oats to "mix it up" a bit.

So I'm going to aim for oatmeal for breakfast 5 days a week. I have what I call "loaded" oatmeal. I mix in cinnamon, banana slices, and raisins. It doesn't need any honey to be sweet.

Yes, I am aware that the oats I've been buying are probably treated with glyphosate, if not when they're grown, when they're processed, to dry them out. I looked and found some that aren't at Costco. Quite a bit more expensive. So is Lipitor, which I wouldn't take unless I absolutely had to.
Must be the season, I had my annual appointment today. My cholesterol has been running a little high. My total was 247, but my Triglycerides went down, were perfect, and my LDL is just over 130. Everything else was very good, and my D is fantastic, 63!

Here's a chart of good fats and bad fats:

The linoleic fats increase inflammation, so avoid as you can. They're in everything that is processed, so I just try to make stuff from scratch.
Aldi is nothing like the Aldi from the 80s. They really changed since then, and their prices are good. Tips: You'll need a quarter to get a cart (you get it back), take your own bags, and name brands tend to be higher in price. The Aldi brands often have very good ingredients. You won't find a huge selection like other stores, but it's a good store.
I love Aldi's. Most of their store brand stuff is as good if not better than name brand items. And many of the Aldi brand foods do not contain corn syrup, which is in almost everything at other stores.

Our Aldi's often has a free cart day, when a row of carts are not chained. And people will often offer you their cart when they leave, kind of a pay-it-forward.

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