Sally's GF3 thread

He did not care for the Aldi cheese. Oh well. Thanks for trying it, dear.
My husband hates change. Sometimes I think he doesn't like something just because it's "different." (Socks, underwear, pajamas, cheese....what else??? I sometimes wish his socks, underwear and pajamas would never wear out so I didn't have to hear the grumble. I like the feel of something new occasionally!)
My husband hates change. Sometimes I think he doesn't like something just because it's "different."
I know what you mean.

My MIL absolutely ABHORED anything new, any change. Her car needed to be replaced, and she had a screaming fit about it after driving it home. This was reported by my BIL; I didn't witness it firsthand.

Thank goodness, as I would have been laughing, probably. That would not have gone over well.

[MIL disowned hubby and me many years ago, years before she passed. Thereby hangs a tail. <-- not a typo.]

I do dislike buying new shoes. My feet are weird, they like what they like, and they don't like what they don't. I buy a lot of stuff at Goodwill and Thrift stores.... but not shoes. My feet have to break them in, each toe has to make its own little depression to fit into.

Hubby did try something new that he liked, at least a bit: beets. I give him high marks for that. It's something I can grow in the garden!
I know what you mean.

My MIL absolutely ABHORED anything new, any change. Her car needed to be replaced, and she had a screaming fit about it after driving it home. This was reported by my BIL; I didn't witness it firsthand.

Thank goodness, as I would have been laughing, probably. That would not have gone over well.

[MIL disowned hubby and me many years ago, years before she passed. Thereby hangs a tail. <-- not a typo.]

I do dislike buying new shoes. My feet are weird, they like what they like, and they don't like what they don't. I buy a lot of stuff at Goodwill and Thrift stores.... but not shoes. My feet have to break them in, each toe has to make its own little depression to fit into.

Hubby did try something new that he liked, at least a bit: beets. I give him high marks for that. It's something I can grow in the garden!
I have difficult feet, too. When I need to get shoes I'll be at the store for hours, trying on dozens of shoes, searching for something that fits. A few years ago I found a style of Skechers that fit like Cinderella's slipper! I bought both pairs on the shelf. Then I found them available online, bought a couple more pairs. They're in the closet...
What kind of cheese?

I have bought the sliced and shredded in different varieties. I love Havarti, Gouda, White Cheddar. I also like their goat cheese.
It was the 8 oz block of extra sharp cheddar. He really likes Cracker Barrel. He said the Aldi cheese tasted ok, but the texture was softer and "waxier." I see what he meant. I told him he has to go to me sometime, and pick out some cheeses to try.
I have difficult feet, too. When I need to get shoes I'll be at the store for hours, trying on dozens of shoes, searching for something that fits. A few years ago I found a style of Skechers that fit like Cinderella's slipper! I bought both pairs on the shelf. Then I found them available online, bought a couple more pairs. They're in the closet...
Sally's Foot Saga... TLDR
My feet are big, women's 10 or 11. They were fine, I had the same style/brand of shoe for 3 years. Then they discontinued that style. I got another, and my feet were never the same. I don't know if the different shoes caused it, or not.

I have Morton's Neuroma in my left foot. The nerve between the 4th and little toe is irritated and enlarged. Pain, sometimes really bad. Went to a podiatrist, and his recommendation was to get running shoes. If that didn't help, then we could look at other things. ($$$)

I made the shoe salesman earn his commission, that's for sure. Finally found one that worked: Zero drop shoes, ie, flat; no rise for the heels. Now I just have to find zero drop shoes, which isn't always easy. Usually I buy them, wear them around the house for 2-3 hours, and I'll know if they'll work.

By "wear around the house," I mean sit at the computer (BYC!) and walk to the kitchen for coffee.
Extra sharp cheddar, yum! Always some in the fridge. Parm too.

I hate shoes. First thing I do when I come home is kick them off. Only thing I wear in the house is bedroom slippers. In the yard or garden is my Sloggers chicken boots. When I go to town it is my tennis shoes.

They quit making the style tennis shoe I have worn for years. I'm wearing my last pair. Thinking about looking at the Skechers. MIL likes them.

I always have trouble finding comfy shoes.
It was the 8 oz block of extra sharp cheddar. He really likes Cracker Barrel. He said the Aldi cheese tasted ok, but the texture was softer and "waxier." I see what he meant.
Hard to be on par with Cracker Barrel extra sharp.
Grew up on that stuff, but now prefer a softer, milder sharp cheddar.

Picture, even with enhanced contrast, doesn't do this justice. Very pretty out there.

Hubby went out later with his "real" camera. Both of us think 4x5, black and white, "real" photo paper in the darkroom... yeah. Maybe seeing stuff like this will encourage him to finish the darkroom?!?!
This storm was not much for around here. To the north, there are thousands without power.

The next storm is slated for Friday into Saturday. Unless something socks it in the nose, it'll be a doozy. 10-14" of snow and 20-45 mph winds.

The winds aren't very strong (compare to what some are getting), but man, can they make drifts! Especially with that much snow. And then, the bottom falls out on the temps for 4-5 days. Low teens for highs, single digits for lows, and -5 to -25 F windchill.

I told DH we need to top off the gas tank on the generator, go to town and fill the gas can, and I need another bale of pine shavings for the coop. I want to add to the padding on the floor, give the chickens something to make fluffy bowls in to hunker down and stay warm next week.

I'm betting we won't be going out for lunch on Friday. That's hubby's birthday, and we had plans to get together with our usual "gang of 5" at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

He and I are the same age for a month, and then i get older again. Yeah, I robbed the cradle. :lau

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