Sally's GF3 thread

I went up to the green house today. The tote with water in it is a huge block of ice, floating in a bit of water. The kale seedlings might be all toast.
The kale seedlings are all dead, but the lone spinach seedling has grown a tiny bit. It's still just the seed leaves.

I need to replant the kale. It's supposed to warm up, so maybe they'll make it on the the second try.
Sally, what variety of collards did you try?
I haven't grown any yet. For eating, it was whatever they had at Meijer.

@saysfaa, I've been doing more reading about osteoporosis. My neighbor had a heart attack about 5 weeks ago, and that has been a wake up call for hubby and me. For me, on all aspects of health. Diet, exercise, heart, bones, teeth, mobility, eyes, everything.
I finally got all the frozen poop piles scraped off the boards! Yay!

One of the boards is sized for smaller birds. Now that the Bielefelders are nearly grown, some of the poop ends up on the lip of the board, or misses entirely. That board was made from a scrap, so I need to find another scrap to make it bigger, or just make a new board.

It's still too cold to stand around in the garage, so I'll just keep scooping the poop for a bit longer.
I got an interesting text from my township, asking if I'd be interested in running for local office, or participating in politics in some way.

No, I am not. Not in that party. Not in the other party. Not in any party. I agree with some things from each group, (strongly) disagree with others. You do not want me to speak my mind at a meeting. You will not like what you hear me say. I will not follow a party line, I will say what I think, vote for what I agree with, and piss a bunch of people off.

Text STOP to end messages. Yup. Did that.
You probably prefer this kind of PARTY. I'm all for it. :love
We might get some sunshine this coming weekend. :fl:fl:fl I need some sunshine.

Our snow is melting rapidly, and the gardens will be muck. The path up to the green house will get messy, but I don't care. I'll replant the kale that died in the deep freeze. Maybe there will be weeds in the garden I can harvest for a treat for the chickens.

In the meantime, it's warm enough to sit in the chicken run and get muddy footprints on my pants from Pip and Sunny.

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