Sally's GF3 thread

Hubby and I went to a local Mexican restaurant for my birthday. They recently moved, and it is the first time we've gone to the new location. It's a lot bigger and nicer looking. And, I think the quality of the food has improved a bit too.

On the way home, there was a beautiful sunset. Hubby said he had to pull a lot of strings to get that set up for me! :lau:lau
Hubby and I went to a local Mexican restaurant for my birthday. They recently moved, and it is the first time we've gone to the new location. It's a lot bigger and nicer looking. And, I think the quality of the food has improved a bit too.

On the way home, there was a beautiful sunset. Hubby said he had to pull a lot of strings to get that set up for me! :lau:lau
Happy birthday!
I did something I've never done on Valentine's Day: Raked up thatch in the field. Never done it this early in the year.

I had on my hot pink hoodie, and I had to take it off. Partly because I was too warm, but also because some honey bees thought I was a flower.

More seasonal weather returns tomorrow. We're in the "mixed precip" area and could get freezing rain, snow, rain, sleet. I'm betting on heavy, wet snow.

In a couple days, it might be cold enough to plug in the heated water bowl in the chicken run.
Sally,,, You and I are very approximate weather zones. I know, since I used to travel to Grand Rapids on occasion. (in differed seasons also)
The El Niño weather pattern brought mild winters to the majority of the lower 48.
I love El Niño :love ❤️
I always look at the positive. Many peeps saved money on their heating costs. I also look at the homeless that did not have to endure such harsh winter conditions.
I always look at the positive. Many peeps saved money on their heating costs. I also look at the homeless that did not have to endure such harsh winter conditions.
Oh, yeah, I'm fine with the winter we're having... as long as the fruit trees don't get fooled into budding out too soon.

Getting through winter without:

a serious slip and fall
a car accident
damage to the fruit crops in the area
major damage to property from frozen pipes or weight of snow

I call that a good winter.

Hubby is pissed that he can't go cross country skiing. 🤷‍♀️
Hubby is saddened that he can't go cross country skiing. :hit
You know I always on the lookout for a solution.
Does he have a B-day coming,,, and you just don't know what to get:idunno

Can be used probably 300 days each year. Such a BONUS:thumbsup
Does he have a B-day coming,,, and you just don't know what to get
His B-day was in January, so too late. I like the idea of those roller skis, but can they be used on dirt/gravel roads? We have 3.5 miles of dirt road before we get to pavement.

Realistically, the only logical choice for a color for a car out here is sand. My car is "red over sand." His Jeep is "green over sand."

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