San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I'm so sorry about your loss.

Cari, I'll message you on FB/email too, but due to my dog punching me in the face with his head, I'm going to have to pull out of tomorrow. So sorry! My lip is busted and I had an icky headache all day today. He didn't mean to hurt me, but darn if 98 lbs of jumping-in-the-wrong-place dog won't knock you off your feet for a short time. I haven't felt "right" all day. My husband doesn't think I got a concussion, but I'm not so sure.
I'm so sorry about your loss. :(

Cari, I'll message you on FB/email too, but due to my dog punching me in the face with his head, I'm going to have to pull out of tomorrow. So sorry! My lip is busted and I had an icky headache all day today. He didn't mean to hurt me, but darn if 98 lbs of jumping-in-the-wrong-place dog won't knock you off your feet for a short time. I haven't felt "right" all day. My husband doesn't think I got a concussion, but I'm not so sure.

I'd postpone moving the animals in this heat anyhow. That along with the stress might prove to be too much for them.
Aumlet, been there. Hope you get to feeling better.
Well aren't you sweet and so considerate.
I'll need to know how much you want for the rooster before I commit to purchasing a him.

Not sure what you mean? I wasn't trying to be rude, just a quick answer since I was heading out the door, just trying to help you figure out what they really wanted, so I could help you find the right ones.

I sell my purebred Roos for $10, up to you if you want him, just let me know.

I'm so sorry about your loss.

Cari, I'll message you on FB/email too, but due to my dog punching me in the face with his head, I'm going to have to pull out of tomorrow. So sorry! My lip is busted and I had an icky headache all day today. He didn't mean to hurt me, but darn if 98 lbs of jumping-in-the-wrong-place dog won't knock you off your feet for a short time. I haven't felt "right" all day. My husband doesn't think I got a concussion, but I'm not so sure.

Oiy! Gosh that's a bummer (not only because I've had a lot of people cancel on me) but because of your head! Ouchers! I hope you DIDN'T get a concussion and I do hope you feel better soon!!! Let me know tomorrow afternoon if you feel like stopping by for a while, otherwise sit on the couch and eat ice cream and feel better!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely NN hen.

Every summer I use a soaker hose draped over potted plants that are under a big vine (the vine behind my barred rock hen in avatar picture) and turn it on in the heart of the day. The girls love the mist and cool soil. Frozen grapes are also a big hit!
Boo!! sorry about your naked girl, your story and all the responses makes me realize I'm probably not doing enough for my littles. They have a nice shady stable that they stay in mostly, and I do water down at least once a day and check water. I have an extra watermelon from my CSA this week, I'll go slice it up and stick it in the fridge for awhile..

Good luck to the others moving, selling, and recovering from doggy headbutts:/
Boo!! sorry about your naked girl, your story and all the responses makes me realize I'm probably not doing enough for my littles. They have a nice shady stable that they stay in mostly, and I do water down at least once a day and check water. I have an extra watermelon from my CSA this week, I'll go slice it up and stick it in the fridge for awhile..

Good luck to the others moving, selling, and recovering from doggy headbutts:/
Fraunie I am only able to check on mine once every three days. Outside of pulling out some feathers to be cooler they are doing just fine with automatic waterers and good shade over their enclosures. I would dearly love to be able to bring out some mellon or icecubes or cool them off with sprinklers but I simply cant. The only way I can make them comfortable is reduce stress in the other ways. Good house and free choice food/water.... Sigh. My coop has no walls so hot air does not accumulate.

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I can't believe I lost another hen. :hit Another Naked Neck!! :hit This one was in my daughters pen.
I just don't get it. It was hot yesterday, but wasn't the hottest day in the week. There was a breeze all fact
that pen felt like it had a fan on it. I have a big bottle of ice dripping out on the ground so there was a way to keep cool..
lots of fresh water. I'm so bummed.

I found one of my 5 week old chicks acting kind of dumpy this morning. I moved her, with a friend, to the garage with a fan
going in their direction. Hope that this little one isn't starting to deteriorate or at least that I caught her in time. All the other
chicks in that pen are doing fine.

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