Sand on coop concrete floor


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Hi all!

We are in the process of completing our chicken coop, which is a section of an old shed with a cracked concrete floor. The shed is insulated and has steel siding, but I think ventilation will be sufficient- 3 windows plus a roof vent and doors that can be opened all the way up to the outside. (We live in Wyoming where it gets very cold and windy.) I would like to try out the sand deep litter method, but I'm wondering if the concrete floor will prevent drainage or cause moisture retention issues. I've read about putting a layer of gravel underneath, but wouldn't the gravel eventually rise to the top as the sand slips underneath? Does anyone have experience with using sand on concrete floors?

Any advice/info much appreciated.

Okay, someone must have experience with sand on concrete. Or is my question just tooooo stupid?
Sand is not the deep litter method from what I know.

I use sand in my coop and I remove the poo daily with a small plastic rake and a kitty litter scoop. If you don't get the poo out it will turn nasty on you. You wouldn't want to just let the poo accumulate for months in there with sand.

Additionally, if your sand layer isn't thick enough it will be really hard to get the poo out when it freezes on you in winter. I don't have experience with a very cold climate so cannot advise you on whether it will work for you with the temps below freezing all winter.

The deep litter method is using pine shavings etc. and cleaning the coop out a couple of times a year maybe. That doesn't work for me as it turns moldy from our wet winters. You may want to visit the "got sand you should" thread to learn more about sand. There may be people posting there from cold climates.
We have sand over forest floor...the coop and run is in the woods.
It works very well and I can't imagine it would be a problem over concrete.

The poop clumps up in the sand and is easy to remove (into the compost bins near by).
There should not be any excessive water in your coop that would cause any kind of moisture problem.
At times the water can would spill a bit and wet the sand - the sand eventually dries.

If the forest floor in our coop gets wet - it does not appear to be a problem.

We have been doing this for a year so far. The sand is replenished periodically.
Ah yes, the deep litter method is something different. What I should have said was that I intended to use a deep layer of sand- maybe 8 inches or so- on the concrete floor. Not using the deep litter method. I checked out the poop board convert thread- great stuff! Thanks to those who have replied so far.
This is the method that I will be using as well, we have a 9X7 coop and will be hauling in the sand this weekend, My plan was to originally put about 4" of Stall Boy on the floor and on the poop board but at $15.00 a bag here in Ontario it would cost me a couple hundred dollars so I'll have to put good coarse sand down on the floor and put the stall boy on the poop board and a thinner layer on top of sand.

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