save me from old people


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
North Florida
at least the ones who pretend to know it all. I am technically an old person too but wanted to warn you all....just because a person is old that does not mean they know everything! Some idiots manage to make it to be old too. A friend of mine has six new chickens about a couple months old. She started telling me about the foot of one of them. I asked if it felt warm and had a black spot. Yes it did. I said okay let me print out a couple methods for dealing with it it is bumble foot. Okay she wanted to try the foot soaking with the fish medicine....called around, couldn't find any so she sent her husband to the farmer's coop. He asked if they had the medicine and told them the problem. Some old guy (probably my age) said oh that stuff is really bad. You need to go home and kill and bury that chicken. It will get all in your land and you will never get rid of it. It'll kill all your other birds. It's horrible. Hurry! So the guy goes home and kills the chicken. I called to see if she managed to find the medicine and she told me about what her husband did. He has now been relieved of all chickening duties and she has warned him to stay away from me as I would probably kill him too. Seriously? I will guarantee he has never had a chicken live past two years....either from mismanagement or his own stupidity. So, as a civic duty, I am letting you all know....NOT ALL OLD PEOPLE KNOW EVERYTHING! Ok rant over.
Sometimes old people are just...foolish.

Everyone in these parts know the only way to cure bumblefoot
is to amputate. You can buy little wooden legs down at the feedstore.

Not everyone knows how to keep a flock.
Too too funny! It's sad isn't it though. This poor husband had no idea. I am going to call around and see if I can find that particular old idiot! LOL
Oh, so THAT'S what those little crutches at the feed store are for!!!

Yea the ones right next to the chicken pirate legs and eye patches
Now sad but true.....years back chicken had two main reason..meat or eggs,,,chicken with any problem just made it to the pot earlier. My grandmother way,,,they were there for eggs untill we need chicken to eat......chicken were not pets, and were easy replace in the spring. Just like the garden, start in the spring with chicks need a chicken meal , out someone would go , yep first ones to go were those that had any problem,Rooster were the first.

he gave bad advice about it killing the whole flock, but i would understand killing one and putting it in the pot....thats just the way it was.

I remember my Mother taking the 22 out and just shooting one for dinner....amaze me ,she would make a head shot(a small head at that). never saw her take more than one shot. Oh grandma's chicken all free range.
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