Saved from the mouth of a Hawk! Help!

I wanted to say too that I had a hawk in my yard this past Tuesday. We heard the birds screaming and rushed into the yard. My favorite (of course) bird had gone back in the coop and was screaming to beat the band. I ran to her and got her out. Though she had gotten up on the roost herself, she didn't seem to be able to get down. It did not occur to me at that time that she was injured as I looked her over and didn't notice anything. The next morning again she could not get down off of the roost and by that afternoon she could not walk. By that evening she couldn't move her wings and could only move her neck and tail feathers in the end. She was occasionally wiping her beak back and forth since the hawk had been there. I think in the end, the hawk had probably picked her up or just grabbed her side because when she was in the sick bed she would "yell" at her right wing and though I couldn't see anything there, I'm thinking he must have got her there. I can't be sure but throughout the whole progression I had assumed she was egg bound. In hind sight though and after reading more threads, I think the hawk damaged her and maybe if I had been treating that then she would have made it. :(

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