Scaly leg mites or other mites?


Sep 11, 2023
Southeastern US
I have been noticing my hens seem to feel underweight lately despite having more food in the run than they will consume in one day. I suspected SLM a couple weeks ago when I checked their feet and felt my fingers catch on some of the scales. They didn’t have build up or any pronounced lifting but rubbing my fingers against the growth I could feel lifting so I went ahead and applied Vaseline. I honestly forgot to continue treating them when after reinspection their legs looked and felt smooth. Now about 1.5 weeks later I went to check again and reapplied Vaseline to the hens I could catch including my only silkie that I missed the first time around. I didn’t have gloves this time and was still in my work clothes but I wanted to knock it out and their feet looked pretty clean after free ranging and walking through the water from my hose. When I finished and went to wash my hands I felt a small pinch on my arm and saw a tiny tiny yellow looking mite (I think) running up my arm which I smacked and smothered with the remaining Vaseline and dawn soap that covered my hands. I read the SLM treatment post and according to the reference pics my hens have healthy legs. It also states SLM are microscopic. I haven’t been able to spot any mites on my birds but clearly there is something present despite brand new roosting bars.

So I have a few questions,

Should I continue treating for SLM?

Should I treat for other mites as well and if so what is the best course of action?

As I am an anxious and surely germaphobic person my last question may seem silly to others, is there any cause for concern that I did not wear gloves to treat my hens? I washed with soap and water from the hose for close to a minute before depositing my clothes in the hamper dedicated for what has been worn in the run or when handling chickens. Then showered immediately. Do I need to be concerned with contracting mites myself? Sorry for asking I feel silly but I’m a worrier and I don’t want to bring any additional pests into the house. Fleas are hard enough to get rid of.
Certain mites/lice can get on humans but most will leave as soon as they got there. They want their dark cozy chicken meat to be on.

As for the SLM, usually it's treating them over a good 10 days or so, such as putting the vaseline on every three nights for three times.

As for mites, we use food-grade diatomaceous earth twice a month in the coop as a prevention, but if you have an outbreak, you'll need something stronger.

Permetherin dust or spray is what the vast majority use. If it's warm where you are, the spray might work best. Be sure to get under their wings and butt end well. Then keep them out of the coop and spray it. I'd clean out the nest boxes then spray those and put fresh whatever you have back in there. Get the roosts too, floor, etc.

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