Schnauzer/Poodle!New Pix, and Vet update Pg.5

She responds really good to Pippi! She is already learning to sit, and she seems to be getting speak and shake down pat! i cant wait to take her to the vet on Tuesday so they can get her all checked out!
Took Pippi to the Vet today, she got a clean bill of health (except for dirty ears) they all loved her, they agree with me that she is older than the 8 weeks that I was told, we are all leaning towards 13 weeks old due to her behaviors and how coordinated that she is. She weighs a whopping 6 pounds! lol She is HUGE huh? lol


And Pippi with our Chihuahua mix Sully

That picture should be in a caption contest to see what Sully is I can't get over the ears and cute face on that pup! I'll bet she was a big hit at the vets!
Oh yeah everyone at the Vets office LOVED her, I felt like a "b" word there though as people kept wanting to pet her and I kept telling them no, because she had, had NO shots before yesterday. If I'd of had my way the Vet would of came to us here at the house, but WOW they charge an arm, a leg and your first born for that here now lol

Sully ALWAYS has an attitude, he is nothing like our Chihuahua that we had to have put to sleep shortly ago, she didnt care what you did, and she never met a stranger!
MomtoSyd&Emma :

Took Pippi to the Vet today, she got a clean bill of health (except for dirty ears) they all loved her, they agree with me that she is older than the 8 weeks that I was told, we are all leaning towards 13 weeks old due to her behaviors and how coordinated that she is. She weighs a whopping 6 pounds! lol She is HUGE huh? lol

And Pippi with our Chihuahua mix Sully

beautiful pups!!!! LOVE the ears on Pippi

Sully looks IDENTICAL to a chihuahua I raised years ago, and gave to my sister. I sure miss that doggy.​
There are days when i would gladly ship Sully to you lol He has MAJOR seperation anxiety if I leave him, he will jump up to my shoulder when I get home, and claw my poor legs all to pieces and no amount of yelling, knocking off with my knee of side foot does any good, the ONLY thing that works is a water bottle (or my DH) lol
We had a schnoodle when we lived in the city. His name was noodle well when we moved to the country he became the best little gaurd dog EVER. When we purchased goats we locked them up for the first 3 nights to get them used to the place the first night we did not lock them up I heard noodle barking up a storm I told my husband something is just not right. I put my robe on and went out the front while hubbie went out the back low and behold our neighbor's dog was running away from the goat pen. He was a louder gaurd then my 2 BIG dogs and maybe could not scare the animals off but would always alert us as he had very distintive barks for everything almost like a baby's different cries. We lost noodle the following summer we think to snake bite I miss him so much!!

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