school tomorrow!

I just snuck in on my I pod LOL yeah I have to wake up at a quarter to 6. I hate that part and dealing with high school drama starters!
One thing I love about being homeschooled....I can wake up anytime I want...Me during the morning:

I will shut up now.
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I start school on the 2nd. Oh joyful times. Especially as practically the oldest girl in the school. Last year, everyone thought this kid a whole year older trashed three classrooms and put something in the water bottles in a fourth. Since, because of a play (remember,the play I talked about in my snow thread back in December? Yeah,that one), I was in some scene where this kid gave me flowers (for the heckuva crying out loud, it was 30 seconds of my life), and people thought I really liked that kid and that he somehow got me to trust him so I trashed the classes for him. It was like in the second Harry Potter book, when Harry denies he opened the chamber? Kind of like when he says that it's not possible to live with his aunt and uncle and not hate them:

Me: "I did not trash those classes, one of them I study in!! and I don't like that kid, where did you pick that up from??"

Other kid: "Well, you hate his girlfriend."

Me: "Have you been on bus 405? Try sitting in the same room with her and her friends for 15 minutes."

I hope no one remembers, that my teacher is really as nice as everyone says, that my best friends don't get terrorized, that I make the school play...the list goes on and on.
School here starts the 23rd... elementary runs 8:20-3:20...
Jr High is 8:50-3:55... but if your athletics 7th grade has to be there before 7am,
8th stays after school until 5. Less time served for 8th, but it's the heat of the day...

I don't envy the parents of the jock kids at all.

Of course, we started the HS thing July 5th... figure try it in summer and if it doesn't work for us then they won't miss anything at PS... this week marked a full six weeks... next week off... then start up again a full six weeks ahead of PS... meaning our year will be done April 8th... which is pretty nifty IMHO. But we're going to discuss it next week, pros and cons from the adults and the kiddos... and go from there.

I'm rooting for HS, too many advantages not the least of which is that if they don't get something we can work until they do... not just plow on ahead and tough nuggets if you fail.

So, anywho, that's school 'round here.
I'm just glad they changed it... back a few years... ohhh... lemme think... three... no FOUR years back they were still doing the thing where they start school as early as the 14th like some of these other folks. They switched to the late 20's start date the year DD started Kinder... and thank goodness or she'd have been FOUR for the first week of school.

Oh and they used to start on Thursday or Friday... I swear it was just to mess with our heads...

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