Scissor beak issues

Nov 18, 2023
I have a 9 week old scissorbeak EE who has been really struggling to grow. Just 2 days ago, I made her a blend of itty bitty bread chunks, milk, water, chick feed and a raw egg. She found this INCREDIBLY easy to eat (thank god) and after 2 feeds of this, her eyes are much brighter and she has a lot more energy, although I have heard that bread and dairy are a good treat, but can be harmful in the long run. What should I do??
I have attached a picture of her below (her face is so crusty from eating and she doesnt let me clan her! 😂)
Photo on 12-9-23 at 9.22 AM.jpg
I have a 9 week old scissorbeak EE who has been really struggling to grow. Just 2 days ago, I made her a blend of itty bitty bread chunks, milk, water, chick feed and a raw egg. She found this INCREDIBLY easy to eat (thank god) and after 2 feeds of this, her eyes are much brighter and she has a lot more energy, although I have heard that bread and dairy are a good treat, but can be harmful in the long run. What should I do??
I have attached a picture of her below (her face is so crusty from eating and she doesnt let me clan her! 😂) View attachment 3701547
You could try and give her some mash made from her feed, in the long run bread and milk will not give her enough nutrients do grow or live a healthy life, I would also try and file down the beak once in a while, so it stays at a reasonable length. I have a scissor beak chicken my self that also struggles to grow, and I have found that mash and trimming his beak helps him eat😊
I am sorry your bird is cross beaked. I have had some, and even though it was cross beaked it did okay. I had a cross beak rooster from Meyers one time, and it did not even have one eye. I was going to raise it not for breeding but I wanted to know if they don't crow because of the crossbeak. I didn't get to find out though because I went to HI, and had someone checking on the birds, but one of the pop door dividers that was left open for food water and space, had fallen, and the helper person didn't notice, and I lost the rooster. I don't blame the helper, they didn't know to keep an eye on everything, just food and water.

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