Scratch, crops and snacks


Mar 24, 2024
Hi! I’ve got a couple questions. My girls are 7-8 weeks old. Their main food source is still chick starter feed. I’ve read about “treats” to give chickens but my girls do not like them. Meal worms: No Tomatoes: No strawberries: No, pumpkin, cucumber, bread no no no. They love cooked green beans, and watermelon but that’s it. I know it’s not necessary but I’d like to add variety. Do y’all have any suggestions?
I was reading about chicken scratch and it seemed ok. I bought a SMALL bag just to see if the girls liked it, they liked it ok but, their crops were huge! Bigger than when they eat only their feed and forage. Was I just imaging that? I’m not going to do the scratch anymore, what are y’all’s thoughts? @nuthatched you seem to be a hardcore voice of reason, please feel free to chime in.
Scratch grain is good for chickens, but giving them a lot is not good. It's pretty much "candy" to them. Giving them too much could make them picky and toss out the other foods you'll give them.

Scratch grain is good for chickens, but giving them a lot is not good. It's pretty much "candy" to them. Giving them too much could make them picky and toss out the other foods you'll give them.
Ok so the scratch given in moderation won’t hurt their crop? I’m a worrier, it’s what I do and I’m so good at it!
There is no reason that you have to give them "treats". As for any grains, you can presoak the grains before you give it to them. Corn, wheat, oats, can soak/ferment for three days. Sunflower seeds, buckwheat groats, 12 hours.
There is no reason that you have to give them "treats". As for any grains, you can presoak the grains before you give it to them. Corn, wheat, oats, can soak/ferment for three days. Sunflower seeds, buckwheat groats, 12 hours.
Great, I was reading some articles about fermented grains. I’m going to try that! Thank you!
It'll be good to hear it from Nuthatched, but I'm betting you might hear that the treats are more for you than for them. I have 7-8week old chicks who have received precisely zero treats. Chick grit and sand is available but nothing beyond All Flock dry and wet mash feed. I personally would not give scratch at this age. They are quite healthy and being young and goofy is entertainment enough. I don't feel like they're un-spoiled, they have chest rubs and baby talk from me as well as a beautiful coop and run. ❤️ All of that said, when I first got them I gave one of them raw yolk because she was stressed from travel and Nutri drench for the bunch on day 1 and 2. To me, those first few days are the only exception to feed until they are out eating bugs and vegetation.
It'll be good to hear it from Nuthatched, but I'm betting you might hear that the treats are more for you than for them. I have 7-8week old chicks who have received precisely zero treats. Chick grit and sand is available but nothing beyond All Flock dry and wet mash feed. I personally would not give scratch at this age. They are quite healthy and being young and goofy is entertainment enough. I don't feel like they're un-spoiled, they have chest rubs and baby talk from me as well as a beautiful coop and run. ❤️ All of that said, when I first got them I gave one of them raw yolk because she was stressed from travel and Nutri drench for the bunch on day 1 and 2. To me, those first few days are the only exception to feed until they are out eating bugs and vegetation.
I don’t know nuthatched, I’ve just read some of his/her posts, and this person seems very..well hardcore and logical. And sometimes I need somebody to pull me out of the mental chicken ditches. I do want my chickens to a great quality of life, but I don’t want to be the crazy chicken lady lol. So no treats? Not even scrap veggies from the table? I just want healthy chickens. So if treats aren’t the best I won’t cry over it.
I don’t know nuthatched, I’ve just read some of his/her posts, and this person seems very..well hardcore and logical. And sometimes I need somebody to pull me out of the mental chicken ditches. I do want my chickens to a great quality of life, but I don’t want to be the crazy chicken lady lol. So no treats? Not even scrap veggies from the table? I just want healthy chickens. So if treats aren’t the best I won’t cry over it.
I agree with all that you said, I value info. from Nuthatched. I'm not sure who said "treats are more for you," but I took it to heart. My thought on treats for chicks is that feed has the correct amount of what they need nutritionally to grow and thrive. My brain is also wired to think that vegetables = health but they are not rabbits and they are not humans so I have to apply different logic. I see bright red healthy combs and feathers on my hens who free range fall through spring. They're out there right now selecting dandelions, bugs and all sorts of natural seeds and vegetation. To me, that's superior to my human food offerings. So instead it goes in the compost.
I agree with all that you said, I value info. from Nuthatched. I'm not sure who said "treats are more for you," but I took it to heart. My thought on treats for chicks is that feed has the correct amount of what they need nutritionally to grow and thrive. My brain is also wired to think that vegetables = health but they are not rabbits and they are not humans so I have to apply different logic. I see bright red healthy combs and feathers on my hens who free range fall through spring. They're out there right now selecting dandelions, bugs and all sorts of natural seeds and vegetation. To me, that's superior to my human food offerings. So instead it goes in the compost.
Wow that was beautifully said. Thank you so much!!!

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