screech owl

I had a screech owl on my property for several years. It never bothered the chickens. I assume that it never bothered my chickens because they were all roosting in the coop by the time the owl came out. Just a guess on my part but the owl was pretty lively after midnight, long after the chickens went in their coop in the evening.

Best of wishes.
I currently have 4 screech owls living on the property. Normally, birds are not in the screech owl's diet, but a fuzzy chick is a prime candidate for any winged predator who happens to see them. True, owls are usually only out at night, but occasionally you will see one out during the day during times of limited prey. They normally don't go after mature chickens unless they are very, very desperate for food. A chick, however is a tasty snack for them.

Predators are everywhere and you will lose chickens to them. That's how things work. Our job is to make it difficult for those predators to take what is ours.

My 4 screech owls are always on rat patrol and are doing a purty good job at it. They do their job and I do mine.
I'm new at this, But do screech owls kill chickens?
Never heard of Screech Owl killing or harming chickens & I have them around as well.

The owl to worry about is the Great Horned Owl. So far, the pair of GHO living near me have not bothered my poultry and I think a lot has to do with there is plentiful other prey about for them.

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