Script errors


12 Years
May 7, 2007
West MI.
Is anyone else getting alot of script errors since the board added PM's? I get one about every time I change pages. Is it just me? I have checked and unchecked the correct boxes in my internet connections spot. It's never happened on here or any other board before.
Hmm, don't know what's happening to you. I'm not getting those. Do you have high speed internet? I am not the one to ask when it comes to computer problem solving, but maybe someone else can shed light on what's going on.
The site is running fine for me on all my computers, including XP, Vista,
and Mac OS 10.2.

I suspect your browser has an issue. What browser and what version
are you using? (Go to help, then about)

Does the site still work for you when you get the error?

We're on dial up and we seem to be getting a lot of "cannot open this page" things but a quick.......wait a minute there is nothing quick about this thing.......a refresh push and ususally in a minute we get the page. not sure if it has anything to do with PM's or not.
I have dial up too, maybe thats why. I have Windows XP and internet explorer version 6. It does'nt happen on any other site and it did'nt happen here until the PM feature was added.
Upgrade to IE7.

Troubleshooting this would be pointless.

Just start downloading and go bake a cake. It will take some time to download on a dialup.

IE7 is a lot better.


You may also want to try Opera. It's a great browser.
I use it when IE flakes out.

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