Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

HERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have been in a huge kennel for the last few hours and were taking baths in the 2 qt water buckets, if you can believe it. So they are a little wet and not as curly as when they came out of the box. But still beauties!

So gorgeous!! What have you named them?

~ Aspen
The gray gander: Mouse and the lilac goose; Toffee.
I already put them in with the geese/gander that they were going with for breeding and they are doing fine. Very laid back and friendly birds. I think they are very thankful to be out of that box.
watch them both with short fences. The lilac not so much but the grey likes to go over anything 3' high

glad they got there, I was worried when they got tagged mis sent yesterday. Hopefully the cucumber and apple kept them content
watch them both with short fences. The lilac not so much but the grey likes to go over anything 3' high

glad they got there, I was worried when they got tagged mis sent yesterday. Hopefully the cucumber and apple kept them content
Thank you for the warning. One of those toulouse mix girls is a climber too! She climbed a 4 ft chicken wire fence! It kinda sagged and she just climbed it like a ladder...silly geese.
All my geese are now in 4 ft, 2x4 fencing. Mouse and Toffee are across the fence from each other and seem content. Mouse put his neck down at his new girls at first, but when they didn't react, he ignored them. Toffee, just keeps pacing the fence like she wants in with Mouse. They are both getting long well for the first day.
There was apple sill left in the box. I offered them water and chopped lettuce and they just drank all the way home. Then they ate grass once outside. They didn't seem to be starving.
Thanks again! I love them!
I have 2 goose eggs in the incubator and have 4 more waiting to go in!

I normally collect chicken eggs for 7 days and put them in the bator each Sunday. That way each weekend some are hatching. How long do you guys hold your goose eggs before putting in the bator? I am thinking about maybe putting them in twice a week so they are nice and fresh. Also, if you mark the eggs from which pen they came from so you can track what colors and quality come from which pairings, then how do you keep the goslings straight when they all hatch at once?
Awesome!! I usually only save my goose eggs until I have 2 eggs collected. I'll have tons of staggered hatches, but I refuse to waste any goose eggs so that's what I'm doing. I would say just save for a week to 5 days and set each week, or something like that.
On our sebbies when they first start laying I dispose and crack then to see if fertile or not. I try and collect the eggs when it starts getting a bit warmer outside. Other than that I dispose of them. I can not eat duck eggs, I tried them and got sicko n them everytime I tried them.
My husband he got sick as well he has a touch stomach though. I do not know if I can eat goose eggs????

I will only let my girls go broody when the weather is warmer. So have to keep collecting them until I want them going broody.
I'm not sure if I'll let my girls go broody or not, we'll just have to see. I want all the goslings from them that I can get.
I have never even tasted a goose egg, because I have always and plan to hatch them all!
I think I need to build another bator now that we have 18 geese!
We eat duck eggs all the time and have no problem. I think some people are sensative to them. I also have egg customers that are allergic to chicken eggs and can only eat duck. My friend tests her very allergic kids with new foods by crushing it up and putting some on the pad of a bandaid and putting it on the inside of their elbow (a sensitive place) over night. If they have a red rash in the am, then they are allergic and she does not give to them to eat. Maybe you could try this with your goose eggs so they don't go to waste? Or you could sell them!! What colors do you have?
LOL You sound just like me!! We love our duck eggs. Infact, I prefer duck eggs over chicken eggs.

X2 - Barb if you are just throwing out your goose eggs anyway..I'd be interested in buying them from you.

~ Aspen
In my experience, the longer skinnier ones are new layers where the fatter ones are older geese. Do you have a yearling and an older goose together? Congrats on the eggs!
It was not a huge difference, but I did notice it
Congratulations!! How many grams did the eggs weigh? The biggest egg I've gotten so far was 176 grams, and the smallest 124 grams.

~ Aspen
One was 149, and the other was 151. Decent size for first of the season eggs
Our sebbie eggs that I have put in the incubator weigh anywhere from 155-169g on the smaller younger girls and on my older girls 178-199 grams.

Aspen, I am timing it so I can collect eggs every thirty days and want them to keep laying. I do not want too many goslings that I cannot take care of at a time. Let me think about it Aspen I quite selling goose eggs a few year ago because of the rough treatment breaking eggs and super low hatch rate. I do not like selling eggs and then people get awful results becuase of the treatment through the P.O.
Our sebbie eggs that I have put in the incubator weigh anywhere from 155-169g on the smaller younger girls and on my older girls 178-199 grams.

Aspen, I am timing it so I can collect eggs every thirty days and want them to keep laying. I do not want too many goslings that I cannot take care of at a time. Let me think about it Aspen I quite selling goose eggs a few year ago because of the rough treatment breaking eggs and super low hatch rate. I do not like selling eggs and then people get awful results becuase of the treatment through the P.O.
Some big eggs! Mine went into the fridge. I have a question, I have yet to set up any breeding pens (I know Im a little behind schedual) But if I do get them set uo by next week would it be too late to waite the 30 days to make sure they will be pure, then start hatching the eggs by mid late march? or is that too late to hatch?
NO, that is not too late for hatching eggs. This is why we take keep eggs the away from the sebbiess girls to promote them to keep laying. They can lay up until the end of May if you keep taking the eggs away from them. Then if you want them to hatch a clutch just leave them keep the eggs until they go broody. They do not go broody until they have a full clutch.
You do not have to wait 30 days. 2 weeks maybe. If you wait too long there may not be many eggs left to work with.

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