Sebastopol Goslings - $50 each - Ready this week


9 Years
May 20, 2010
Lake Charles, LA
Sebastopol Goslings hatching this week. We are expecting whites, gray, saddlbacks, and splash from this group. These birds are not hatchery stock, though the man I got them from did not recall a breeder since they were a project of his wife. They are nice pet/breeder quality birds.

We are NPIP and can ship anywhere in the Continental US. Shipping usually runs around $50 for Express, and we will not ship a batch of less than 3. Pickup is always welcomed and encouraged!

We shipped a batch last week to PA, and they arrived in less than 24 hours! I like to keep them for a couple of days to make sure they are eating and drinking. If all looks good, then I send them on their way.
Hi, I have a couple of questions.
1) Do you try to sex them at all, or sell as st run?
2) Do you know what your ratio of color to white it? (I am mainly looking for colors)
3) Do you send them with some gel or something to eat/drink while traveling?
4) Will the PO insure them?
5) Would it be possible to find out what you have now? Like quantity and color guesses?

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Hi, I have a couple of questions.
1) Do you try to sex them at all, or sell as st run?
2) Do you know what your ratio of color to white it? (I am mainly looking for colors)
3) Do you send them with some gel or something to eat/drink while traveling?
4) Will the PO insure them?
5) Would it be possible to find out what you have now? Like quantity and color guesses?


I am pretty good at sexing, but I make no guarantees! Let's just say I'm more right than I am wrong!

We usually gets about 25% whites, and 75% colors (all are gray and/or white colored, but patterns vary)

I can send them with something to snack on if you would like. I personally like to keep them a couple of days to make sure that they are healthy, eating, and drinking.

I will have to call the PO tomorrow and ask about insurance.

Babies are due to hatch this week. I will post quantities and colors when they hatch!
Thanks for the answers! I will be watching. Interested in colored girls (best guess of course!)
I'm sorry, but I can't sell only females unless I happen to have extras. They have to be sold in pairs or straight run, or I'd end up with a pile of boys in the end!

When sold in straight run, there is no discrimination. I just close my eyes and grab from the brooder!
Still no babies! I am making a list of people. Those who replied first will be first on the list. First come, first served

So far I have:
kbell via PM
thea71701 via PM
thasista via PM

I am hoping to have enough hatch to accommodate everyone. At this point I don't think I can take any more orders so I will be closing the listing. I will PM each person individually when they hatch, and let them know what I have available. Thank you all for your interest!

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