

In the Brooder
12 Years
May 11, 2007
Northern Wisconsin
Just wondering if sebastopol are harty in cold weather? Wanted some next year, I live in northern WI.
I live in New Hampshire and have a pair of Sebs. My Sebs handled the winter really good. I didn't have any problems with them at all. The snow and cold never bothered them. I used a doghouse with shavings in it as their winter home. The even mated in the snow, started layin eggs in March while there was still snow and then crushed every last egg by the time the snow was gone and the grass was green
This was their first year of mating so I wasn't expecting much and it's a good thing because I didn't get much.

I did go out and buy 8 baby toulouse geese and the Sebs adopted t:(em like they had hatched them themselves. They are great parents as long as the eggs are already hatched :)
These are the Sebs with their adopted toulouse geese. The picture is on the dark side so may be hard to see.

Wow! George, they are gorgeous! How old are they? Did you raise them from babies? I have never seen nor heard of them before! I love them.
Hi Ozark Hen,

They are three years old. I got them at a year old. They are pretty neat geese. I wish the male looked as good as the female, guess she just wears her feathers better.

Here is a picture of the female and male Sebs in snow with their buddy the male muscovy standing outside the pen looking in. The muscoviy used to fly in with the geese and hangout there with them all day then fly back into his pen at dusk. He now stays in his own pen with his girlfriends who are sitting on lots of eggs.


OOPS, guess the muscovy is actually in the pen with the Sebs.
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they are just beautiful...all of them. are they hard to raise? I had some geese several years ago, they decided they preferred to stay on our porch as opposed to their coop. DH frowned upon that. Hard to walk across the porch..

thanks for sharing the photos and please keep them coming.

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